This is why men shouldn’t be allowed in the military.
This is why men shouldn’t be allowed in the military.
Yeah, bookstores are not the havens of intellect and joy you’d think they are. I worked at Borders before that chain went under and the gathering of true, industrial grade morons was astounding. You’d think literacy would bestow a bit of leavening but, no.
I’m not a parent, but I have parents, and if I found out they had driven themselves to drink and shortened their lives through stress just to rake in more cash for my education...I would feel terrible. I’d rather take out loans and have my parents in my life longer.
You don’t have to send your kids all the way through college you know. They can get loans like the rest of us.
Although it would be nice to pay for you kids’ college, it’s not necessary. My brother and myself paid our own way through college (I even went to graduate school). I only have 10K in debt and I honestly am super proud that I did it myself. If paying for you kids is your number one reason for getting super stressed…
If you’ve been holding down the fort financially for more than 10 years, it may be time for you to take better care of yourself, and let your husband worry about making sure you guys have the money to help your kids with college. If you get a lower-paying job (Is there anything between your high-stress previous job…
I think there is something in between, which is learning how to effectively manage your stress.
I just want to tell you, I’m really sorry you’re in this situation. I don’t have children so I don’t know exactly how it feels to have that type of large pressure with regard to financial obligations. I would say this, as a child of a super workaholic mother, I have been incredibly blessed with her hard work and…
I’m sitting on the couch, drinking red wine, while my girlfriend is in the kitchen dancing to country music and making us chicken picatta. It’s our one year anniversary and that’s what she made me on our first date. I bought her beautiful sunset-colored roses and a lovely bluediamond band ring that I’m hoping she…
Do yout think maybe you have learned better ways to handle a stressful job? Will it really be exactly the same? You don’t have to make enough money to pay for your children’s college, but will the low pay of retail be another stressful point?
In my opinion, this is a healthy way of approaching a return to a time in your life where pressure took its toll on you. This just means you’re self aware.
You never know what the next five years holds. If working in a bookstore seems like the place for you right now, then do it! Depending on the store, there could be chances to move up in an environment that doesn’t make you crazy. College can be made less expensive. Grants, scholarships, work study are possible. And…
“I watched a movie the other night, great movie - the director is a fan of mine. So I watched this movie, it’s a spy movie you know. Espionage, treason, henchmen - the whole nine yards, ask anyone. And so I watched this movie and there’s this scene with this actor, I can’t remember his name, but he’s a great actor.…
Has anybody checked to see whether it’s just sitting there on Capitol Hill?
“Look, I said no more than two eggs! We have a lot of children here and we can’t have one child picking up all the eggs. We clearly stated no more than two eggs per child. ... Yes, we did. ...Yes we DID! ... Well, then how about you get NO eggs? Leave. Out. No more eggs for you. You’re banned from the egg hunt until…
and the crowd went mild
A couple of things.
I think Duane Johnson’s introduction of Lin-Manuel Miranda shows that he should host.
Amanda Bynes’s probation has ended for her September 2014 DUI.