
Off-topic: Jezebel, I love you, but what the hell is going on at Gawker Headquarters? There needs to be a statement/apology for the David Geithner story. I feel dirty coming here now...

Having a bout of skepticism regarding this site’s social justice orientation as long as the blackmailing-and-outing Gawker story stays up, and Jez writers defend it. Do you defend it Ms Lodi, like your colleague N Vargas Cooper?

Everybody is *aware* of breast cancer by now. More pink items for sale don’t help breast cancer patients. I sure could have used some help cleaning my house and getting groceries while all fucked up and exhausted on chemo. Not that they asked me, y’know?

Considering how poorly Komen uses it’s money, and how irresponsibly it runs it’s campaigns and licenses itself, I am surprisingly OK with this.

Who the hell is giving her solid food anyways?

brb, immediately opening a beach bar in Hawaii called the WeeWee-HooHa Hut.

I don’t think “burying” aptly describes what’s done to the lede here...imprisoned the lede like a cursed mummy might be more accurate.

The linked article has a bit more detail on that front:

I fell down the youtube hole two weeks ago and next thing ya know it had been nearly six hours of New Orleans jazz listening.

Yeah. The outsized influence the first set of primary states have on the nominations is much more problematic than most people realize. Corn subsidies, pig gestation crates, etc, etc...

You’d think it’d be slim pickings for a panty thief in Scotland.

I saw Hitchcock’s documentary. I have never trusted birds. They are foul creatures. They’ll follow you into a goddamn phonebooth and peck out your friggin eyeballs!

If Warren is out, my vote is going to Sanders. Not that it matters since I live in California and we effectively don’t get to vote in primaries.

Sanders 2016!!!!

It’s uncanny, right?

I want to like Trevor Noah, a lot, I just... I don’t know, I feel like Jessica Williams would have been far better (even though she didn’t want the job).

That sounds extremely manipulative and shady. Try not to feel guilty.

I don’t like the words proud of but this is why I would say I love America:

My mother completely ruined my holiday weekend.