
Congratulations! Your post made it to a widow’s blog which found its way Patton himself. He actually got to read your comments. He thanked the author of the post for what she said. Hurray?

That was a nice thing to say. They aren’t my cup of tea but I’m glad you like them. Everyone needs someone they think rocks.

Welcome to Barf Babylon, a once only comment about the state of MistrissBabylon.

I would voluntarily commit myself to a psych ward if I had to do that for even ten minutes.

I’m glad I could share!

Why did you do that to me? I love him so. Have for years. They came to my city years ago when they were still together and I told my daughter that I would take her if she wanted to go. She was eight at the time and looked at me and said “No, mama, I am not going to be your cover while you look at young boys!” I was

When someone does that while talking to me, it as if I can’t even hear them or focus on what they are saying. I really try my best not to judge people but in that circumstance, I really can’t help myself and I am judging them. I wouldn’t chew my food for hours and then talk to people with it still in my mouth. Gah!

When people smile with chewed up gum in their mouth it is all I can see. It takes a nice photo and makes it gross. She might as well have a spider crawling out of her maw.

I am a mother of two. I love them dearly with the entire depths of my being but as such I would never ever want them to live a life hooked to a machine as the only way to sustain a meager existence. I would like these parents to be able to bring Charlie home as they promised him and let him pass in peace.

Stella. I think she looks like a Stella.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their awesome teevee show recommendations last week. They were great!

Truth. I was taken to the hospital for pneumonia that had gone septic and they started giving me Ativan. I had a really bad reaction to it and started hallucinating so very badly. The armed guard was there every day because they just kept giving me Ativan and I thought I was in serious danger and tried to escape and

I’m so mad you beat me saying this. I love the Girl Scouts. (I’m not really mad.)

Holy moly, Bammon (but I want to say Holy moly, Batman!) - Leverage first episode was great! I feel as if I have stumbled upon hidden treasure (at least from me with these recommendations!) Seriously, thank you. My Saturday night has been awesome watching new (to me) shows. I hope you are having a great night too.

I downloaded Fringe and we have been watching the pilot and I really can’t thank you enough. It was exactly what I wanted.

Fringe sounds awesome! Thank you.

My husband and I are waiting and wanting to watch a new show because we have watched all of the episodes of our favorites. Shows we like: Supernatural, Archer, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Luke Cage, Man in the High Castle, Preacher, GoT, Doctor Who (but I don’t like Capaldi and I have watched it since the 70's), Dirk

Thank you so much. Honestly.

I hope this doesn’t sound weird but I love you.

We most certainly can. I know the “But think of all the children” person above was trying to make one point but I think they were really successful in making the opposite point. I am not a bad person, I am completely honest and do not wear rose-colored glasses when looking at my life. My daughter (11), whom visited me