
Oh my god! It's Generic Saiyan Amalgamation!!! He's my FAVE!!!

I think he can pull off the role. He's a good director and he has gotten better at acting. Everyone says Dare Devil, but he wasn't the problem for that movie. it suffered from being out in the 90's and just being really goofy.

Abed Batman is the best Batman

I'm figuratively eating snickerdoodles right now. They are metaphorically delicious.

fuck this screen

They told him to step down, instead he stepped it up.

You racists piece of shit.

Mr. Zimmerman?

looks like black tiger - a personal favorite of mine since i was a wee lad.

Bayonetta 2 North American Release date, Bayonetta in smash.


EA: "We didn't win Worst Company in America this year? Excellent. Let's continue being horrible."

Now playing

A shotgun to the face is nice, but lacks the greatness of a boot to the head.

Why it's worth playing: Considering it's a very new game, I'd be quick to recommend this one. It's fairly short, accessible, and has a fair difficulty. Too new to be a classic, but certainly comes up with a few ways to breathe new life in an old genre.

Is it just me being too picky or her animations feel straight out of a student project? With a reveal trailer featuring very little else than the character model, I was expecting more polish.

Fuck this guy.

Best usage of the 1 per PG-13 rating F bomb in recent memory.

So I made this logo this morning. You're welcome Kotaku