
Fuck Harry M. Stevens.

I'm surprised it took a sports journalist of Drew's maturity and cynicism until this late in life to realize that the Super Bowl is a hand job from an ugly chick. Just please don't tell Jerry Izenberg.

That's "Deadspin Carnac."

[trademarks 'trollovision' before Petchesky can log on to legalzoom.com]

I say Giants, but that's not going to happen because Steelers or Raiders will make for far more compelling trollovision.

+1 for being timely.

Unironically ironic. #winning

These two wingnuts are screaming about "democracy," and Le Batard seems to be the only voting sportswriter in the BBWA who is putting his ballot up for a vote by the fans. If it's good enough for the All-Star Game...

Hear, hear.

Isn't it patently racist to equate Dee Dee McCarron with "rednecks?" — because, hey! they're all white!

Linked video of Winston's post-game comments?

So, was AT&T Park a good investment for San Francisco or not? I'm not sure to whom you're making the hyperbolic argument that new sports arenas don't magically create new economic activity — because that wasn't the argument I was making, magically or otherwise.

Thank God. I was worried that after the 30th time I watched it, I wouldn't laugh at it anymore. Not a problem.

Now that I've gotten a better look at her, I think that's Janette Desautel going after her business partner for preventing her from using her own name on her restaurant, without realizing that Nelson Hidalgo got it back for her in the Tremé series finale.

The last time a white person came up with an original hand gesture, France surrendered the following week.

That's odd, too, considering he's from Oklahoma. I figured that entire state is rendered in landscape.

That's odd, too, when you consider he's from Oklahoma. I figure it's all "landscape" out there.

... and the tax abatement was on property that was derelict and not generating any tax revenue. The publicly financed infrastructure serves that neighborhood the other 284 days of the year just as effectively as it does on the 81 days when there's baseball, unlike — say — transportation and infrastructure development

I think you've got the AT&T Park argument completely wrong. The amount of economic activity created in the area immediately surrounding the ballpark compared to economic activity lost near The 'Stick is almost impossible to measure. Housing? Bars & Restaurants — and that's 12 months out of the year, not merely during