Mister Alighieri

The gang-rape thing is really the point where this jumped the shark for me. One womans experience of a drunk horny teenager groping her? 100% plausible. A guy pulling his dick out when its not wanted? Sure why not. A culture of dozens of people drugging and raping women over and over again at parties, and NOBODY

Between the men coming forward and the polygraph debacle put a fork in her she’s done.

Even people from the ADL and other right wing watch organizations said her hand gesture was meaningless. Get a grip. The left can't afford to distract itself with this tinfoil hat stuff.

This woman expects us to believe that teenage boys were regularly running parties for two years or better where gang rapes were taking place right out in the open and were never once reported to anyone? Beyond that, I find it funny she would go back to these rape parties ten times over knowing full well what was

??? Once again a one sentence response with no further explanation means nothing. What exactly did I get wrong? I understand that Ford has now given a written testimony but that still does not refute my arguments. Do you disagree with the fact that even the NYT said they couldn’t cooroberate her story and passed on

I think it’s sad that your only argument is that I’m a “trollbot.” I just looked through your previous postings and have noticed that you never actually have anything to say. Just negative comments with no further explanation. If you really want to make change or “resistance” as I have seen you post in other places

I think you’re argument is somewhat disingenuous. You say that allegations without any substantiated evidence or cooberation should be enough to stop the nomination now. Let’s be honest here, if that’s the new standard then Democrats (especially the Avenatti type) will throw out allegations everytime a conservative

Whelp, he was basically outed in the full transcript and now has recanted

To answer your first couple claims. If he had a gambling problem that would have been a red flag during his previous 6 FBI invesitgations. If the debt you’re referring to is the baseball tickets, he has already shown that he was reimbursed by friends and paid off debt. When saying he liked under oath you need to be

5th guy recanted

The reality is Kavanaugh is a quality choice for supreme Court Justice (from the conservatives perspective). People are construing this as a Bill Cosby moment where there are so many accusations that his credibility is virtually zero. The difference is that many Bill Cosby accusers’ stories were cooroberated with

I am not willing to call this nomination dead until the Republicans lose their Senate majority. They have proven to be remarkably resistant to shame, and trying to tell them they should withdraw Kavanaugh’s nomination because it’s the right thing to do is like trying to explain quantum physics to your dog.

I’m more interested in tuning into the slander trials of all of these false accusations!

The irony is they’re pretty much that transparent about it anyway, and yet it doesn’t seem to matter to their constituency.

It’s not that simple. The law allows juveniles to be tried as adults when the crime is especially severe, murder, rape, etc. Thomas was a murderer.

“ I don’t care if you killed 100 people or shoplifted stickers, if you were under 18 when you did it, you shouldn’t be tried as an adult. Ever.”

You conveniently and typically failed to include the facts that Jaquin Thomas was in jail for second-degree murder and aggravated robbery, and that the reason he was in the adult jail in the first place was because he had already ESCAPED from the juvenile facility, and was also facing charges for multiple armed

I never said Chevy Chase was a good person. He can be an asshole and still be funnier than Pete Davidson. Cancer is funnier than Pete Davidson.

I think this is important. Mass layoffs can be common, especially in an industry as volatile as games, and most of us have either experienced it first-hand or know someone who has.