If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were being sarcastic!
If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were being sarcastic!
Im going to laugh my ass off when they ignore this and he is confirmed. Metoo is a joke and we’ve moved on. You can have your isolated centers of power like universities and a handful of cities, but the patriarchy is still in charge and we all think you’re a joke.
“Hi, I would like to report a sexual assault of a teenager by another teenager.”
It’s a great sound bite and there’s some truth to it, but the issue of appropriately proportionate punishment is one the #MeToo movement will have to reckon with to remain viable.
The best way to avoid being harassed online is to make public comments about how much you hate being harassed online. Great strategy.
She can go fuck her self. She lied.
My question is in this era of believe all women, does that mean Emmett Till was properly lynched since we have to simply believe his accuser?
Well, and thing is that Dykstra was relying on the exact same dynamic to take Hardwick down. She didn’t even name him in her little essay, because she knew that everyone would sleuth around, figure out who it was (as though it was super-difficult or something), and do the dirty work for her. Hardwick was instantly…
What Dykstra really needs to do is admit that she’s a liar. She claims to have hard evidence proving her allegations, but in light of information that directly contradicts those allegations, refuses to provide that evidence.
The problem with this whole story is that she provided no proof. We can’t operate correctly as a society if we always just assume people are telling the truth. He may be guilty. He may also be innocent. We can’t just immediately be like “oh yeah, he’s an asshole. Screw that guy” because it’s not fair to him or anyone…
“I didn’t really have guidance because you can’t really Google, ‘How to handle being an accuser?’” says Chloe Dykstra. ???
Unlike you, Amy Chua is well-acquainted with Kavanaugh, and she is happy that her daughter clerks for him. She presumably wouldn’t be if she had reason to suspect that Judge K would take inappropriate liberties with female subordinates.
People get mad when you make baseless public accusations to ruin a man's career and the world is full of crazy people. *shrug* of course it shouldn't happen but it's hard to feel bad for her, put herself in the situation
We cannot say they aren’t (since it would be an investigation), but the wheels of government move slowly and these are probably not an immanent threat so they will be given the reduced level of action in the immediate. .
Its more like showing your support for an arsonist by threatening to commit an arson yourself. Its a pretty interesting strategy.
The abuse against Hardwick hasn’t stopped either, even though there is absolutely no evidence to back up any of her claims.
I am a fan of Chris Hardwick. I was asking the same things of Chloe Dykstra. Who is she? Those of us who support Chris Hardwick on the Facebook group I’m a member of have just asked about proof. She claimed she had proof but never came forward with it. I would never come after her and most of the posts I have seen are…
How does someone who is falsely accused go about exonerating themselves?
Person makes unverifiable, career endangering accusations in public, withholds evidence in her favor, and is shocked that people reacted, much less negatively? Even if you believe every single accuser ever, how is Chloe Dykstra not aware of how the internet works considering her previous work?
So the usual display of “progressives” who only care so much as they don’t have to sacrifice anything for their supposed beliefs, even if it’s just a poxy aftershow to a pretty fucking shit zombie show.