A child dies on your watch, you don’t get to claim the high ground.
A child dies on your watch, you don’t get to claim the high ground.
Now’s as good a time as any to write a cash grab, sell out book. Good for her she’s never going to be more relevant than now.
The facts don’t support the framing, yet the author persisted. And it inhibits a clear understanding of the facts. It’s a fairly poorly-written article for it.
They should have big bold goals and a plan on how to go about reaching them using...reality.
it leads to people thinking the left is talking out of both sides of their mouth.
I can’t imagine that the Writers would be impressed by that.
“we should assume they all do,” which is an unworkable policy that no country anywhere ever has or could abide by.
he has only been effective when he preaches big ideas and doesn’t bother himself with reality. I LOVE his big ideas - they are everything I want for our country - but he’s never been good with the nitty-gritty.
There are way too many barriers to entry for this country right now. That’s already been shown.
But because they “broke the law” (boo hoo) they basically deserved it, right?
They are gonna want those “brown doctors” back real quick when wait times at Medicentres go from 1 hour to 6.
Senior typist of a blog. I am sure that’s about all an english degree from a liberal arts college gets one these days.
*golf clap* Your grasp of the asset market is stupefying.
Face, neck and hand tattoos are all tells for those in the hiring process. If I can see a tatoo on you in long sleeves and pants, then I am going to low ball you on pay, probably keep you hourly, and likely never promote you. And that’s only if I need a worker so badly I can’t hire anyone else.
yes, it is me calling out yet another dumb, ignorant take by Splinter.
Hopkins already had 4billion in the bank. They gain interest on this money each year. 1% gain is 40million. They could set that aside and allow free tuition (50k/year) for 800 students! They only accept ~3.2k students a year. They could already be allowing a quarter of all applicants attend college for free
Is anyone surprised by this? The judge ruled that the WH violated Acosta’s Due Process rights. So the WH hands back the pass, then follows the due process to revoke it again asap. This was always going to happen.
How much of this comes from the people living within not giving a shit?
HUD survived the 1990s, but not before Congress cut a quarter of its annual budget and ordered a massive downsizing. The agency’s workforce has been reduced by more than half since the mid-1980s, from roughly 17,000 to about 8,000.
he lost to ted cruz.