Mister Alighieri

Can you imagine being the wife of one of these guys at the reunion?

Don’t read the news?

“Number one: He was isolated from his family. Number two: He hated his mother for being a Democrat

We need to stop being so Goddamned civil and just say what they fucking are, and it’s Nazi’s.

Those are some nice windmills you got there.  

But not here morally.

I’d rather have thousands of honest people fleeing violence than selfish bastards without a soul or a scrap of humanity like you.

People have the right to choose where they seek asylum. They absolutely don’t have to stay in the first country they pass through to reach their destination.

They’ve already started here in the USA.

I mean, was watching what is going on up here not enough of a warning message for ya?

We’re headed towards war, aren’t we?

I really don’t know why some people find this so hard to understand, but let’s try yet again.

You’re saying we should turn away war refugees - starving homeless women and children - unless we deem them to be sufficiently profitable.

So who will be picking your fruit and vegs then, you? :P\

Oh yeah, I forgot, you were the zero empathy dickhead who thinks these people are somehow bad for seeking asylum in the US. Riiiiiiiiiight.

Well at least they are feminist men.

Again, the only way I see them turning is based on threatening/demeaning language and poor treatment.

You can post that same shit a hundred times if you want. I do not for a second believe these exhausted asylum seekers are going to be remotely up to the task of resorting to violence at all by the time they reach the US.

They won’t act like a mob if they are treated like people and not garbage. More rides on our actions than on theirs.

Sexless marriages are the norm. Once a few kids are in the picture most people I know (and studies show) that sex dries up. Add in the ‘headaches’ the ‘I am tired’ and threat of coercion and suddenly you have a roommate or a divorce in the making.