Mister Alighieri

I’m going to continue “listening” to the many people I personally know, who are dating or have dated people they met at work. If they “did the job they are there to do” and “swyped on Tinder for sex”, they would have been deprived of loving, happy relationships (and often marriages), which doesn’t seem like the best

It means we shouldn’t assume the world as it exists is the result of justice.

It’s called the benefit of the doubt, since apparently you don’t realize that admitting foreknowledge of that is essentially climbing up to declare that you’re comfortable fucking other people over and selling them bullshit lines about ~hard work~ and ~fair value~ rather than merely having lucked into a place where

when you’;re the one arguing FOR it. Most of what you’re talking about there is down to luck, stupid.

HamNo is Nickelback, only without the other two chords. I can’t imagine how much weaksauce this guy puts out on an annual basis.

Reality doesn’t exist in your magical white box theory land, and your ideas of how the world works are less-than-charmingly ignorant of reality, where the luxury of ‘choosing what your labor is worth’ exists only until one realizes that rent must be paid and food must be purchased. You can call it a freely-entered

Yes, when there is a significant power dynamic involved, or it is done in an inappropriate manner, or if it is clearly not reciprocated. But if we’re talking about underlings dating other underlings, that happens ALL the time.

You seem to misunderstand the just world hypothesis. I understand that the world is NOT just, that’s my point. That doesn’t prevent us from working to make it more just.

“It’s okay to exploit workers because they can just go somewhere else if they don’t like it,

I flirted with a coworker once, but was respectful and not a creep. We are married now. Last weekend we attended a wedding of two of our other former coworkers.

It is weird as hell to tell harassers to keep it out of the workplace, instead of telling them not to harass people anywhere. It shouldn’t be about how dangerous it is for the harasser, but stopping the harassment.

No, because they are instead filling the roles that make those businesses, niches, revolutionary products, and calculated risks functional and profitable while your vaunted Master Visionaries loot their pennies from their pockets and treat them like disposable labor-bots. 

I also know quite a few millionaires, and I agree that they’re all hard workers. But the vast majority of people I know have far less money and work just as hard or harder. The point isn’t that all of the rich are evil (although Bezos may be). The point is that a society where one hard worker accumulates billions of

There are people that work harder than any of those millionaires who will barely scrape by for their entire lives.

Harassment is harassment, in or out of the workplace... being in the workplace is not the problem, harassing people is the problem, and frankly telling people that they should not approach people in the workplace because it is more dangerous for them to harass people there is... weird as hell.

Shared profits, makes sense!

So “working hard” and putting 50+ hours a week entitles them to millions?

Thanks for the comment! I will add a slightly different perspective here. I wouldn’t want people reading this to think you have to take huge risks to be rich. You don’t.

In the sense of economics being the “branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.”

Millionaires have nothing in common with billionaires. You say that your millionaire friends worked hard. They did their best, and they got their million dollars. Do you really think a billionaire works 1000x harder than your millionaire friends? They work 40000-80000 hours a week? Nah. Are they 1000 times smarter?