Well, it can be done well. The BBC is a state-funded media organization, funded by taxpayers, but historically has been seen as pretty fair (or, at least, seen as unfair and biased by all sides >_> ).
Well, it can be done well. The BBC is a state-funded media organization, funded by taxpayers, but historically has been seen as pretty fair (or, at least, seen as unfair and biased by all sides >_> ).
in Sweden they provide a robust press subsidy to every local paper that has at least 5,000 readers, it works pretty well.
By those standards NPR and PBS also have good track records.
“By,” not “on.”
Isn’t that what Twitter is now anyway?
Get the government to fund journalism directly.
German reunification was and has always been tied to the Cold war policies more than any revolution.
So you think the United States should have stayed a British colony?
Not trying to move goal posts, but the historical context is important. The rest of the Warsaw countries were collapsing and ceding power so the writing was on the wall.
Dear Kinja,
The Velvet revolution was less a revolution than a result of the Cold War toppling Communist Regimes.
There’s not going to be any revolt. Most Americans are completely unaware of this mass inequality.
Revolutions do not have to be violent.
Limitations Surveys are subject to various sources of error, including coverage and nonresponse bias, sampling error, and measurement error. One limitation of surveys drawing on the KnowledgePanel is the low panel recruitment rate, which produces a low cumulative response rate for the WBNS.13 However,previous studies…
LOL. The revolution is not coming. I know you yearn for it but that is because you lack the understanding of history of revolutions.
What are they gonna do, start jailing teachers?
Get together with your co-workers, form a Union and present a list of demands to your employer.
*yawn* Do better than that, please. Name calling on the internet is masturbatory. Make an argument or be creative with your inane name calling enough to make me chuckle.
*yawn* Do better than that, please. Name calling on the internet is masterbatory. Make an argument or be creative with your inane name calling enough to make me chuckle.