
Yes. I see parents taking turns riding rides so they can watch their kid. Insane!

I’m sure Disney offered some sort of compensation. But the outage was for only a few hours and only hit a certain part of the park. Had it been the entire lot, then yeah, refunds all around.

I wouldn’t take my kids to the parks unless I knew they were mature enough to handle it. But every family is different.

This is where I lost any of the sympathy I had for people involved in this mess. Also, since when does Disneyland charge admission for a child under two (who, by the way, will not remember this trip!)!

That happens at the end of the ride, my dear.

My dream is to experience that magic unfold in person.

Yup. It is very noticeable in their engagement portraits. Still think he’s cute though.

This is Stassi’s karma for putting Jax through the ringer (after he cheater on her) when she cheated on him, too.

Camille needs to return full-time! She’s a character and there’s totally more to her than we see!

Hoping Bravo added it to their app, but I’m too lazy to download it. Hahahaha.

The Kardashian announcement is a distraction from the E! News disaster currently making headlines.


I am re-watching RHOBH from the beginning and, wow, the last two seasons were exciting/sad to watch. Brandi was definitely a shit stirrer and brought some delicious drama to the mix, but it was also annoying. Then Kyle. She’s still whatever to me. I don’t know. It’s all becoming very stale now.

Bravo should air the recent season of RHOMelbourne. Gina is my queen. (And I can’t find it elsewhere, unfortunately.)

I’m excited to check it out. I love “Little Women” - it’s my favorite book, although Jo was crazy to leave Laurie behind. Come fight me. Hahaha.

The way women were treated during the Attitude Era - and beyond, let’s be real - was horrific, and Lawler is partly to blame. Him shouting “Puppies” on top of his lungs every RAW was disheartening then and is disheartening now.

Dude. But this season looks so good! Season One Jax is back!!

Stassi is the fucking worst. I rewatched the entire series recently and was like, “Why do people like her?” She’s Regina George on steroids; not because she’s as mean as Regina, but she has a bigger platform and fan base.

That scene - seriously - is my favorite #PumpRules moment ever. Like, Tom’s fucking face. Tom’s serious “acting.” Loved every second.

YES!!!! I love this show so much! Their look at “Porn” is my favorite episode so far!