Missy Lettie

I'm 26 and was literally just sitting here, feeling proud of myself for being such a good adult today before reading this. I now see that I am not adulting nearly as well as I thought I was :(

"Fuck this shit" is about the only thing I can think to stop myself from crying and screaming and running around like a mad woman in my office right muttering things about rape and rape culture.

Our justice system has completely given up on prosecuting rapes. More and more the prosecutors say things like, "Well, we only had the rape kit and the testimony and her injuries and and and ... but he says he didn't do it and no one has it on tape. What could we do?" I mean, his friend even admitted that he taped

In 2000 the UK tax on tampons/towels was cut from 17.5% to 5% in line with EU restrictions. Our politicians seem to see that as the last word. My Local MP told me I was free to make reusable pads from old sheets and t-shirts instead of taking the 'luxury option'.

So true! I'm always 12 hours behind the conversation at Jezebel!

Are you under the impression that some women hit the 3rd trimester and say, "You know what? I don't think I want to have a baby after all. I'm gonna get an abortion, buy a new bikini, and hit the beach!" ?

I know no one will even see this because of the commenting system but omg, Guys, this isn't even our most cray cray politician. Google Corey Bernardi. He's a foaming Islamaphobe, homophobe and misogynist who has just published a book called The Conservative Revolution about how he and his fellow straight white

When I worked at an adolescent drug & alcohol treatment center, they kept the girls' own personal supplies of tampons locked up with the contraband (stuff they can use but not have 24hr access to like razors, perfume, etc.) The kids would have to come find an employee every time they needed a pad or tampon (oftentimes

I used to work for Serco, not in one of their detention centres but in a customer service role. Some of the people who ran the place I worked at had worked on other projects like this, trust me when I say they give absolutely no shits whatsoever about what the public think. They pretty much have the corner of the

You misunderstand the problem. You can't just mail stuff to refugees directly, from my understanding unless you have connections or are a family member you can't really contact them at all (even then it's not easy). The staff at the detention centre aren't going to get tampons and pads and go 'Wow, finally more

Also filled with glee. BUT MORE EXCITED ABOUT DEELOW AUSTRALIAN! Can we be jezebel buddies? Seriously, none of my AUS friends get it :(

It's actually not an issue - there is plenty of product available, and Serco makes hand over fist subcontracting all that from the government. This is more about how asylum seekers are treated in Australia (it makes America look good), and on-going issues around health and access to health care in the detention

A lack of product isn't the issue. Our goverent has enough money to supply these products without charitable donations. The issue is their distribution.

No. That defeats the purpose. We shouldn't have to send them hygiene products because our government has enough money to supply them! Also, it's about the fact that they give them out in limited supplies. 2 pads would last me 4 hours. If I were lucky.

Almost right (disappointingly)- pads are tax free whereas tampons are seen as a "luxury" item so we pay GST. SO STUPID!! I'm still fuming at John Howard.

because there's a huge campaign called "stop the boats" that has these people in refugee-jail in the first place.

He is straight-edge, which means that he does not drink, smoke, do drugs, or fornicate FOR LIFE

I'm married so no one would give a shit about what I think, but...