Missy Lettie

Oh god, Tik Tok! What have they done to you?!?

Female journalist here. I'm subjected to sexism in the workplace on a fairly regular basis and was sexually harassed by a male source earlier this year while reporting a story. It involved coerced physical contact and was deeply upsetting. The worst part, though, was the victim-shaming I experienced afterward from a

Action movies with female leads just don't do well, guys. :( :(

Maybe its my pregnancy hormones, but I can't deal with this story at all right now. The utter horror this woman must have felt, and still found strength to think more of others in need. I can't even. HERO in the truest sense of the word :(

Why wonder? If she could, she would have. Since she didn't, she couldn't. As for the specifics of why, it can't have been pleasant: maybe the kid was pinned down by wreckage, maybe impaled, who knows? I wouldn't question the mother's level of care here.

Don't you hate it when someone's agenda is to have kids eating healthier, more appetizing food?

Fellow Australian here (also former US resident). Not sure your comparison is quite correct, I would say Australia day is more in the league of Columbus Day mixed with 4th of July. We don't really have a thanksgiving equivalent. And I wouldn't say a lot of people are downplaying Aus day - I mean you have people like

So they've been tutored. It's not hard to lie when someone waves money at you and you're trying to stay out of prison. It's not like one of the material witnesses has anything to hide, is it?

To be fair, if I had to shag Charles Saatchi on the regular I'd probably be on something too.

Everyone in the UK does not believe this story, we all think that he is making it up because he is a vile woman-abusing twat.

Also, a 14-year old, legally, cannot not 'decide' to have sex with anyone. That's why there is this crazy law called 'the age of consent'.

Oh, I agree completely. I worked retail and food in my earlier years as well. There's a reason why I always tip well and I always try to treat retail workers as nicely as humanly possible.

"At the time, Steubenville area radio host David Bloomquist, known as "Bloomdaddy,” said he thought the 14-year-old was making it up. "I guess the best way to sum up what I'm saying is this: It's easier to tell your parents you were raped than, 'Hey mom or dad, I got drunk and decided to let three guys have their way

If I read another statement from someone saying this community has suffered a lot I will fill in an application for the first mars migration. They discover yet another rape of an underage girl that these people covered up and they are talking about how this community has suffered enough? I'm sorry, do you mean all the

"This community has suffered a great deal,"

In answer to your question, no we don't celebrate Australia Day here in the U.S. either.

Next time I fly to Hawaii, I'm only buying a one way ticket. Then when I'm ready to go home I'll tell them I'm homeless but would love to go back to my family in Europe (which I don't have) to finally get around to having a European vacation.

Holy fucking shit, Lindy. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Luckily, I doubt the men who made those comments are aware of the vagina's location, so if any of them actually tried to follow through on a rape threat, you'd have time to run away while they were all WHERE'S THE SEX HOLE?

Lindy—I can't even. While I'm sure you are able to wade through this bullshit with aplomb, I offer my angriest GIFs, strongest words of condolence, and raised feminazi fist of solidarity.