
It's always the finance sector dudes. When I was a cocktail waitress I got hit on a lot, flirted with, etc, but it was generally not bad. Maybe it's because we had a great security staff, but generally it was harmless and respectful. Except for the fucking stockbrokers and such. Whenever a guy came into the club and

Every time this sort of question comes up, I have the same answer. I would tell myself: FLOSS.


*white men are not convicted of murder at the same rate as black men* - There. Fixed that for you.

No, that would be better though. He could have easily made his point without bringing rape into it at all, much less false facts about rape.

My sisters and I used to put both feet into one swimming fin and pretend to be mermaids. It WAS a lot of ab work.

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

I hope things get better for you.

I hope things get better for you.

Same here. I just cannot quit that show.

Fair enough. I was feeling pretty combative yesterday. I felt like it was a bit of a derail, but that's mostly because I'm so pissed that they did that to her.

Sorry I snapped at you. I am usually more prone to giving people the benefit of the doubt, but these last few days on the internet have been rough!

We'll just have to agree to disagree here. No matter what her dad said, it was tremendously irresponsible to publish her workplace and other details. And no, I'm not going to blame him, even if he did give them those details. I have yet to see a source on that by the way.

Yes. I know. I can read, but thanks! I still think it's a derail and not relevant at this precise moment.

This is what you are riding out for? First of all, I didn't say anything about misogyny, though the story is ABSOLUTELY misogynistic.

They were very involved. They sent him to lots and lots of therapy, and it's worth mentioning that none of these doctors diagnosed him with a mental illness. They called the police because of his behavior, but the police found him polite and respectful, so didn't take it any further.

They published her name and the location where she works. They put her in danger. Yes, we need to call that out. I talked to someone who is friends with her family, and they are terrified. This asshole had fans, and they are already threatening her life, among other things.

Here is the source or your misunderstanding: You think reporting = getting rapist off the street. You think reporting=punishment for rapist. You are wrong.

Do a little research on what happens when you report, and most likely you will stop saying awful shit like that to rape survivors. Or else you're just an awful person. That does seem like a possibility.

I haven't seen that yet. I'll check it out and come back later.