Define "functioning". The court said that she was "substantially intoxicated and impaired"
Define "functioning". The court said that she was "substantially intoxicated and impaired"
Yes! I mean, he confessed to "having sex" with her, the law determined that he was guilty of getting her too drunk for her to be able to care for herself, so what they actually have here is a CONFESSION. If the "rule of law" were being "fairly applied" then they would have him on a rape charge. How is his confession…
I suffer from the same confusion. He's guilty of getting her too drunk to protect or take care of herself, and admits to "having sex" with her. So. . . they have a CONFESSION. The takeaway here is that nothing would have been enough. The mysterious video still wouldn't have been enough. There is never anything that is…
Thank you!
Yes! But laws differ state to state particularly when the older person was also a minor, as in this case. Generally, I do support the "Romeo and Juliet" exception on statutory rape laws, and likely they would have applied here. You know, had she been SOBER and also actively consenting.
Her murderer is in jail.
That's exactly what they are doing. He admitted to "having sex" with a drunk 14 year old. He can say "consensual" all he wants, but legally, it couldn't have been. So, they have what amounts to a confession and that's still "not enough evidence"
And even if she had been of age to consent, they judged her too intoxicated to take care of herself, so how would her "consent" have been valid? He admitted to "having sex" with her. She was 14 and drunk. That is rape by the legal definition and he confessed!
I don't understand why the rape kit wasn't enough. If they agree that she was too impaired to be left alone in the cold, "incapable of protecting or caring for herself", then obviously she wasn't able to consent to sex? And he admits to "having sex" with her. So. . . is the idea that she was sober enough to consent to…
Agreed. I do not believe there is one right way to eat that works for everyone. Your new diet works beautifully for you? That's great! I'm genuinely happy for you! My body happens to process gluten and dairy just fine, thanks, can't you just be happy for me too and not insist that I just don't know how good I'll feel…
Yes! We make that at camp. Worms in Dirt is a summer camp staple and it's awesome. We use chocolate pudding though, not ice-cream.
I've heard that gluten-free as a trend has actually hurt those with serious intolerances because people are more likely to think you're full of it than actually suffering from anything, so they call things gluten-free that . . . aren't. This is what my genuinely gluten-intolerant friend and my probably legitimately…
OK, that last part was hilarious. Your kids sounds awesome.
If my child wanted to write an Amazon review I don't see why I would interfere with that.
I angry-clicked this headline thinking you had dared to say something mean about Cher, but haha, no. Anger gone now.
I feel like we need a thisoffendsmeasanaccountant tumblr and/or twitter account. While not actually an accountant, I am close enough that I would follow that and promote it all over the place.
He actually painted them right? Or at least crafted screens himself. We didn't have photoshop and canvas prints at Kinkos back then.
I think you are being very generous :)
This "painting" which he didn't paint, he just altered a stock image and paid for a canvas print of it.
No worries! I didn't really take it that way, but probably seemed like I did, because as you say, tone can be hard to convey :-)