
Agreed. I've been sleeping with the same man for nearly 13 years (!) and the reason things are still so exciting in bed (and in the kitchen, the living room, shower, floor . . .) is that neither of us ever stopped exploring. We just explore new things, and roles with each other. I don't mean role play per se, just

The woman talking about putting up "invisible barriers" and child fatigue, and so on resonated with me. We have an active sex life, and things are great. There are times though, when there is ebb and flow as in any long term relationship, and sometimes we're out of sync. I've noticed that spending most of my time with

OK, as I said yesterday, I take issue with your comments sometimes, but that was straight up amazing. I may have done a literal spit take.

I have never seen this before and I love it so much. Thank you.

That's how I generally react to Maggie Gallagher, though I don't look quite as amazing while I do it.

Haha, and if we were all that dumb we would be extinct already.

Someone (can't remember who, but it was on Jezebel) described, I think MRAs, but it would go equally well for the ant-marriage equality people, as "A five year old with a cookie crying because another five year old has also been given a cookie and is enjoying it". I wish I could remember who said that, because it was

I have to say, I read some more of your stuff on another thread, and while I frequently don't agree with you, I may have been a little hasty in labeling you not ever worth engaging. I do like being forced to really justify my reasoning instead of just having us all agree all the time.

You are 100% correct.

It always seems to me that what they are saying is that the legal requirements of being an employer of humans violate their religious freedom, in which case, maybe they should sell up and do something else.

This is the kind I hate the most too, because I sometimes don't realize what they are.

That's the type that bothers me the most. The ones who aren't trolls exactly, and who make enough sense enough of the time that one is tempted to engage, and then you find yourself in the most frustrating, pointless conversation and wish you had your time back.

I know, I know. I tried to edit my comment to reflect that, but ran into a snag. Anyway, can't fault you for it since you are so good at it.

I don't know why any of you talk to that guy.

The first time I was pregnant, I sprouted one single hair on the underside of my chin. When I got pregnant again, it came back, but this time, it never left. Luckily it is just the one and easy to pluck.

I just didn't even know I would HAVE to say it! For my first child, my husband called his parents who lived a couple hours away, and then there they fucking were, eating sandwiches and drinking sodas while I was starving and not allowed food. I was in labor so long they eventually left so I didn't have to kick them

I got some for my birthday, and had a moment when I saw the name on them, but I got over it because they are adorable.

Can't we rage at them about all those things, and this thing too?


"That our lady flowers. . . "