I had to Google Image "merkin" because I've been living in some kind of a hole where no one discusses pubic wigs, apparently. Anyway, I highly recommend conducting a similar search. Thank me later.
I had to Google Image "merkin" because I've been living in some kind of a hole where no one discusses pubic wigs, apparently. Anyway, I highly recommend conducting a similar search. Thank me later.
I don't think it would be all that edgy. Bush is now becoming the norm in Porn, and as porn goes, the rest of the world does.
Why wear a merkin when you can just grow pubes. I agree with those who say if she wanted to be shocking, show some pubes.
It would be edgy if she had a full bush. But it would be even more edgy if she also had a penis and a scrotum.
A red merkin would have been the most sensational choice. Miley—a closet ginger!
I don't know about consensus, but I'm a straight dude and I would for realsies slap another dude in the face for saying Jennifer Lawrence (or anyone, for that matter) needs to lose weight.
Wait WHAT?! She was AMAZING as Mystique! Firstly, if all they noticed was what she looked like, they missed how good that film was, but the whole point of that film was that she was constantly stunning! Mind you, given that James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender both called her hot in that film, I doubt she cared if…
I concur with the both of you! Ugh. Jennifer Lawrence is uhmazzzzzzzzzzing. Like, spectacularly so. And dang, she rocks that pixie. What bothers me today about Hollywood is that rail-thin is the expectation. All of these women who used to have curves have lost said curves (see Jessica Alba, amoungst others), because…
The comments when pictures of her in the blue Mystique paint were released when they were filming First Class were disgusting. It may not be a general male consensus, but a fuckton of people think they have the right to call that glorious creature fat.
I'm sorry, I can't even get to his comment about her hair considering he thinks she needs to lose 10bs. I'm simultaneously laughing and crying.
You also missed the idea that white liberal women might want to hear other voices and opinions because it's enjoyable and enlightening. I like hearing other perspectives. It's not that I think they represent me better than white men. I know what I think. I know the general white male perspective. I want to hear from…
So it boils down to you don't think that pop culture is influential enough to care about. That it won't make a difference in racial inequity. Well, a lot of people disagree. But you're also forgetting that a lot of brown people simply want to see people like them telling their stories in the media. It will make them…
You have no idea what it's like to live as a woman. You just don't. And it's not your fault, but that's how it is. Women are asked to view things from the male perspective all the time. Movies and TV shows are mostly from the male perspective with male protagonists. JK Rowling didn't use her first name because it was…
But but but...Romeo Rose is his real name. That's how you know he's romantic.
I was going to go there, and then I was like "Nah. Let that dog stay dead."
He's 25. It's stated in the add. Although, thankfully, this one seems to be of the sadsack variety. Hopefully he knocks it off before he turns into the resentful version.
We're the only two people who hate that movie, I think. :(
Besides the physical description of himself, this is my ex. Right down to the Grouper reference. UGH. He was the worst. I could do nothing but disappoint him.
Exactly! I'm all for improvisation in the bedroom but grabbing somebody's windpipe and squeezing seems like to sort of thing that should really, really, REALLY be discussed beforehand. Hell, I'd probably want it in writing. People definitely shouldn't just be adding it to their repertoire because they saw it in a…
Kink.com has a good reputation. I want to like their stuff, but the aesthetic and editing just falls really flat with me. But it's definitely very staged. Which is good, I think, especially in the context of kink. Actual kink IRL tends to be a bit more "staged" than the average "honey, I just got home and can't wait…