Yep. “Seamstress” isn’t great, either. The woman who made my wedding dress didn’t call herself a seamstress; she called herself a dressmaker. That she was.
Yep. “Seamstress” isn’t great, either. The woman who made my wedding dress didn’t call herself a seamstress; she called herself a dressmaker. That she was.
Sewer is obviously to worst, given it has another, not very nice, meaning.
Why cast a different adult for a photo that already has Kerry Washington in it? Mia’s motivations and choices still don’t make a lot of sense to me. What she did to that family is really fucked up.
Someday when this is all over I hope that someone asks why the health care industry can have mammoth profits and also be all “whoa, no masks, can you guys make us some? We were too busy giving out CEOs bonuses to prepare for a medical catastrophe”
I work in a sex toy store and using a dishwasher is a common way of cleaning them. Some toy manufacturers even suggest it in their care instructions. Reason being is that dishwashers usually can get hot enough to kill most bacteria and on average run for hours at a time. If it can keep you safe from contracting food…
Well, as this came up on Kotaku for some reason, Im gonna reply.
Honestly, a lot of these just sound like people settled for a partner whose presence they could tolerate with breaks, but now that they’re forced to spend more time with them, shit is hitting the fan.
1) she wasn’t a roommate but I did “go out” with a chick who washed her extensive sex toy collection in her dishwasher. We didn’t eat much (food) at her place after I realised that.
Many private jets actually have great range and can easily do long flights like LA to London. Don’t be fooled by their size, they are basically flying gas tanks that are carrying a very light passenger load
Ok, this is twice in just a few days that I’m agreeing with Wendy Williams. WHAT IS HAPPENING?
Not just medical professionals need those masks. My father’s manufacturing company is having a very difficult time finding N95 masks to protect the workers against fiberglass. This is a very dangerous situation not only for his employees, but also is concerning if his company is not alone in their quest to find…
To which I will say, M4A is never going to pass. Even if the Democrats win the senate and keep the house in 2020, it is not going to happen. And Bernie has made clear that he will not compromise. It’s M4A or nothing. Even if he pivots and accepts a public option, getting a risky proposition like that passed is going…
Calling it now: the first female POTUS will be a woman of color, who becomes president because she was the vice president of a man who died in office.
I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.
So you’re basically hoping for an Edith Wilson presidency?
Except they are walking stereotypes. The stereotype just happens to be that of bland, suburban, white men (regardless of their sexual orientation)
Not so fast! I’d argue that Kim K and her butt are what started the trend for bigger women to be fashionable and sexy. Prior to that, the “hot-girl” icons were rail thin Paris Hilton types.
I also feel that ranked choice voting in the primaries would provide more interesting results
My hot take: Pete would have had a better shot cruising in the left lane with Sanders and Warren rather than trying to eat some mediocre cake in the middle lane.