
From what I understand, Phelps’ body has been proven to produce dramatically less lactic acid than the average human, allowing him to recover much faster from physical output. He’s a biological freak with a giant wing span and super mobility that allows him to move his body in a way others can’t -- I haven’t seen

I did some more reading on this and one of the arguments being used against her are all kinds of fucked. I couldn’t tell if the people making the arguments we’re part of the organization that sent down this ruling, but they are saying if she is allowed to compete as she is, that paves the way for anyone to claim they

Seriously. I’m a woman with weirdly high testosterone levels for reasons we haven’t pinned down, because it turns out there’s tons of reasons why it might happen. And like you, there were no outward signs - it was just something my doctor stumbled on during blood work for something else and went, “Huh! Weird! Don’t

I read an article about Michael Phelps once that described the many ways his physiology and biochemistry is different from the average schlub’s, making him a swimming machine. Never did the article suggest that this was a negative thing that should be suppressed, the tone of the article was more "wow, this is super

I’ve been assaulted and I literally watch SVU to get a second hand sense of justice. 

What you are saying could be true while at the same time this idea can still be horribly invasive and counter productive. These two facts are not mutually exclusive. Just because there were *maybe* good intentions behind this plan at some point doesn’t automatically make it a good idea.

There is zero chance this policy won’t be weaponized to discredit victims.

Let me guess; if there is any evidence on a victim’s phone or in her social media profiles that she has had consensual sex with anyone, ever, the police/defending attorney will use that as evidence that she is making a false accusation (because remember, ladies, only pristine virgins can actually be raped! Everyone

Not saying it’s not a fair complaint! Procreation-less sex is great! Yay, birth control! Yay, family planning!

They called her Waity Katie because they are misogynistic dicks.

Diana cheated, herself. Perhaps it was retaliation cheating, but I get tired of the deification of her and the reciprocal vilification of Charles. I’m not saying she wasn’t a good woman, but she also had her own interests in mind a lot of the time leading up to the divorce. 

it’s always lupus!!!!!

I once dated a guy who sincerely believed Russia was an evil place because the Russians were always the villains in James Bond movies. (Except it was the USSR and not Russia but I figured that's not a difference he'd appreciate.)

Stuff that seems obvious/”everybody knows” is stuff that needs to be studied the most. Otherwise modern medicine would still revolve around leeches.

He said it isn’t him, and I believe him.

May be they will take Trump. .. ?

Since November 2016, I feel like I have maintained a constant, low-burn state of anxiety - as though I have drank half a cup of coffee too much.

I totally wonder if there has been an uptick in sightings/visits since Trump took office? Like, even they can’t believe the shit that is happening and need to come in for a closer look.

What is ‘work’ here? If this is work, shouldn’t Meghan be entitled to nine months or so of maternity leave as our other mothers are? Also, do you not want to consider how much she has lost in earnings since giving up quite a successful acting career and moving to another continent? I am British and I must say I find