“label a 16 yo a sociopath”
“label a 16 yo a sociopath”
Spending about two months picking up trash on the side of the road seems to me like a pretty appropriate punishment. It doesn’t appear to be malicious. She didn’t lure her up there and then throw her off the bridge. I know I did some really dumb and dangerous things when I was that age, but was fortunate to never hurt…
Your parents were with you ever minute of the day when you were 16???? Damn Gina.
I was once a teen who went with other teens to jump off of things we shouldn’t have been jumping off of. This sounds exactly like something that went down on one of our “cliff jumping” excursions -- a friend asked another friend to push her if she chickened out. She didn’t end up getting hurt from the push/fall,…
Seems somewhat appropriate considering it didn’t seem malicious, more as a joke like teens normally act towards one another. Luckily she wasn’t killed, but obviously her intention was to go there and jump off, she probably just got scared once she saw how high it was.
I was listening to a medical podcast and they were talking to an infectious disease doctor. He said unless there is active symptoms he does not test for herpes. I am blanking on the rational at the moment but doubt it was just him, as a specialist, being a dumbass about it. It is also the advice of the CDC to only…
So, after the requisite and socially appropriate length of time (6 - 12 months) for him to contemplate, meditate, and give “a very special interview” with Robin Roberts (has to be her), what will the comeback vehicle be? Dancing With the Stars? A role on a Ryan Murphy miniseries? (Obviously the latter would be…
Remember, criticizing misogyny is ATTACKING. Criticizing racism is ATTACKING. /s
Why would he be? He’s not a girl. Typically it’s angry misogynists who dox girls.
Here is the thing, kids do shitty things.
Look, just because you personally have a shitty bank account doesn’t mean women aren’t actually turned off you your personality!
In all honesty, if your list had come to the attention of your administrators, you probably *wouldn’t* have been punished in any significant way. It would have been like “knock it off” and that would have been that.
As someone who was voted 2nd ugliest girl in the 5th grade in a slam book, I am VERY proud of these girls not taking this shit. I’m 44 and STILL get cranky about it every now and again.
Her gesticulating is giving me life. Straight up New York.
So what if that was Facebook’s founding? That’s not what Facebook is used for today, and certainly not what these girls signed up for - if they even have an account (I work with today’s youths and know they’ve mostly moved on to instagram and snapchat).
That would be a good point, if this act existed in a vacuum with no societal context.
You stated “(PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of sexual transmission of HIV by more than 90 percent.)” While technically true, it is more accurate to say that PrEP has been shown to almost completely prevent HIV transmission (more than 99%) unless the user encounters someone with a rare strain that is resistant…
Everything AOC is saying in the clip is shit I’ve been saying for years to some of my more conservative family members and they don’t even have an adequate response. But, facts are a partisan issue now, so if science isn’t Republican, fuck it!