This misses the nuance that outside of the metro area, NY is a pretty red state. I’m just a neighbor over in NJ, but it seems like that demographic reality will often cause friction for the governor.
This misses the nuance that outside of the metro area, NY is a pretty red state. I’m just a neighbor over in NJ, but it seems like that demographic reality will often cause friction for the governor.
It’s not about not posting at all, it’s about not being ubiquitous. That’s all!
I didn’t say anything about whether or not it was appropriate, but the context matters and completely changes the tone. It’s kind of crazy that so many people form their opinions based on single sentences in a roundup on a gossip blog. Very strong opinions based on eleven words.
Misguided or not, it seems as though Quinn felt a sense of entitlement to Nixon’s endorsement based on a sense of identity kinship (or maybe they run in the same activist circles?) and is still stinging over not getting it. You can be annoyed at her inartful ranting, but it’s not at all like the GOP rep calling Emma…
I don’t disagree that you should be qualified to run for a major elected office. This reporting is so annoying, she was calling her an unqualified candidate. Quinn is a lesbian who considers herself qualified to hold a high elected office.
It’s not, Quinn is a lesbian and was juxtaposing Nixon against herself as a “qualified lesbian” who Nixon did not endorse in her mayoral race. This is one of those context matters things.
It’s being presented without context. Quinn is a lesbian and is still mad at Nixon for not endorsing her when she ran for mayor of NYC. She said something to the effect of “she didn’t endorse a qualified lesbian, but now she’s running as an unqualified lesbian.” She didn’t mean it how it’s presented.
Ikea makes some decent stuff.
Ha, she was like don’t you know that I’m Eleven? Send one of the boys to boarding school and nothing really changes.
It has nothing to do with gender, they just give men the higher paying jobs. What could that possibly have to do with gender?
Could there be a tendency towards being more risk-averse because the average black person lives with a higher baseline level of risk day to day?
I’m surprised to see Republicans embracing such an anti-capitalistic policy position.
I couldn’t get into it either. There was nothing in it to enjoy and it was way better as Weeds which at least knew about a little thing called levity.
Same way they lose your luggage?
Hey, don’t knock good research skills!
This is good kinja.
I saw how he made a purposefully vague reference designed to get people to ask him to elaborate, thus giving him an “acceptable” opportunity to post his furry porn, which he had already been asked not to do.
I couldn’t find TSwift’s entire video, but I saw a clip that was clearly referential to Singing in the Rain, is the video perhaps an homage to iconic song and dance routines?
Wasn’t she on one of those teen pregnancy reality shows? I knew that those were a very bad idea.
Research has found that men perceive gender equality to be achieved when women reach 30% representation. That means 30 women and 70 men. Or it could be 18 women and 42 men. That is when men perceive that women have achieved parity. (It’s similar to how men perceive that women talk more than they do.)