
Great, I’m moving and my only options are Comcast or sign a Verizon contract. Verizon and I are in a fight because they insisted on running my credit just to quote me rates and were full on hard selling me when I was clear that I was just doing research, I feel like I really have no good choices.

There’s also the simple fact that the black market is flooded with guns because they’re so easy to obtain legally.

Omg teens are so rude and I love them for it.

Gun buy backs are really effective, it’s a good place to start.

Maybe we’re all just jaded and it’s a genuine, non-sarcastic, statement. I don’t think I can even identify earnestness anymore.

This alternate interpretation occurred to me while I was scooping the coffee into the filter...

“Being rich sounds very satisfying.”

What’s with the snark on Emma? She’s rich and famous because of a role she got when she was, like, 11 years old and she’s been doing pretty admirable stuff with her money and fame. Everyone that works in her industry isn’t rich and famous, so she’s advocating for normies, too.

I don’t think he threw the party, I think he crashed it. Still, man, have a sense of fucking decorum.

If we had been told in December 2016 that just one year later powerful men would fall like dominos, finally being held accountable for their sexual misconduct, we would laughcry and say that it wasn’t possible, Donald Trump had just won and nothing matters.

I’m pretty sure I remember reading even Rogen criticizing it recently. It was definitely sexist. I feel like I remember him admitting that they were dicks on set, too, but don’t quote me on that.

I’m actually still watching Grey’s, but I stopped for a long time because I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped right before they introduced new characters that I liked, so I’m glad I started up again, but I’d rather stab myself in the eye than rewatch from the beginning.

It really irritates me how the “difficult” reputation follows women around. You know what? Her storyline DID suck on Grey’s.

Not as much but I did use one of their album covers for a Lichtenstein-esque art project in class. Or at least I think it was Eve 6...

Whiskey is disgusting.

Some people are just inconsiderate in general.

It seems like being a judge is mostly really boring, so they take advantage of any opening.

Third Eye Blind is, in retrospect, my favorite band from high school. I found a radio station that plays alt rock and I discovered that I still know all of the lyrics.

That part is embarrassing, I pretend it doesn’t exist because the rest of the song is catchy af.