Charles tends to the gardens. He contributes.
Charles tends to the gardens. He contributes.
He’s not going be the king or the queen tho, so he doesn’t even have any prospects.
I think he may have, his face is narrower.
The pics don’t even look scandalous. They’re doing the platonic pelvis-room-aplenty hug, for crissakes.
He strikes me as a guy who’d tear up looking at the morning dew.
John Goodman is a lot more flexible than I’d expected he’d be.
South Orange is in a diverse area with a huge black population, fwiw.
Korra is correct, you don’t have to sue to access workman’s comp. Be his advocate and learn how he can access those services in your area, you can help him get his surgery before he permanently injures himself.
Nearly everyone ends up needing reading glasses, though, it’s a normal part of life.
He could have been joking with that comment. I don’t know anything about this, but that sounds like a deflection to me. It’s a rude question, I know I say all sorts of things to deflect rude questions.
I was content to just ignore it, next time I’ll dismiss.
A lot of the privilege criticism about the strike seemed to be a race to be the wokest of them all.
What about in the teachings of Christ? WWJD?
With my blessing. :)
He played a dunce.
I’ve always thought of him as the dog that’s too dumb to play fetch.
Meyer should shirk all the attention and just play the blues. Then he could be great, maybe even One of the Greats.
Ocean’s 11? That was a more appropriate role for him IMO.
It is my considered opinion that he won because Boston accents are hahd.