Just because by people aren’t registered doesn’t mean they’re not partisan voters. The vast majority of “independents” consistently vote for one party.
Just because by people aren’t registered doesn’t mean they’re not partisan voters. The vast majority of “independents” consistently vote for one party.
You’re naive as fuck if you think Warren would have won. Berniebros turned on her hard when she endorsed Hillary, or don’t you remember?
I’m lucky because they’re all my favorite colors! They don’t exactly lend themselves to subtlety, though, like your colors do.
Internalized sexism manifests in strange ways!
lol @ voting anarchists must be a huge demo
Isn’t it nice to know that even with the most progressive platform ever, a woman just couldn’t be good enough for the pure of heart. 🙄
My personal favorites were the races where Berners waited in line to vote for him and ignored the rest of the ballot, resulting in conservatives winning judicial seats. So engaged!
Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. Stay out of our shit, Bernie.
Water closet.
Seemingly misguided to draw you in is his MO as far as I’ve been able to tell.
He’s a troll.
Corollary: I once asked, “Do I have to keep doing this? I don’t think it’s working tonight.” Then we both laughed and went to sleep and had sex again another day.
Please don’t ask how it was, either. Insecurity isn’t sexy.
Me neither. The rest is good tho.
We been telling them.
It doesn’t have to one or the other, it can be both. The color is terrible on him, it drains his face of color and makes him look ill. Looking ill is not a way we like our POTUS to be. It was too big on him, too, I wonder what the circumstances were... was there a dry cleaning mishap? Does the WH have in-house dry…
Oh, I think that’s because she hates him.
Dude, are you furious about leaks or claiming that there are no leaks and the media is just making it up?
Meh, I haven’t studied pics, but they could be flattered by the same colors, or different ones that just aren’t beige. I look good in the same colors as Kerry Washington and I’m white as the driven snow. It’s possible that the coloring flattered by beige is one of the more rare ones.