
She needs help.

Someone would have called the authorities if she’d done that.

I love it. My tastes tend towards rock, but Lemonade was the tits.

Advertising and public opinion feed into each other. I know they’re not doing it for moral reasons, that’s my point. Would you rather they only show cishet intraracial families until their hearts are really in it?

u took the bait

Lemonade has quite a few genres represented. Daddy Lessons is straight up southern rock.

Kate Winslet reproduced with a man named Rocknroll.

u took the bait

Performing is hard! Sheesh, everyone’s a critic.

And Rihanna did the hand to heart, like, I feel you, girl.

Ah, but Mr. Christ was defending the guy in the article, so by the transient properties of defense...

My disdain for pendants knows no bounds. Anyway, the guy is an idiot and an asshole, adultosaur was only wrong on the specifics. So, really, there’re many layers of douche-defense going on. Why defend douches?

Yes. It’s been a very long con, but you’ve got me.

Acting like misreading something is some huge offense is douche-y in a pedantic sort of way, which is among the douche-iest forms of douche-y behavior, responding dismissively to someone being a douche to you is normal.

Never admit shit to cops.

It’s not the best test case is all I’m sayin.

You stop. Everyone makes mistakes, why be such an asshole about it?

I’m paraphrasing, but yes. I’ve never heard the word salacious used so many times in such quick succession before. He also didn’t say you know what I’m talking about, boo, but it was the subtext.

Funny sad. Definitely funny sad.

It’s so addictive! And quippy!