
Are millennials too worried about what’s problematic to get a good fuck on? ;)

Classic conservative thinking: Refuse to support programs and institutions leading to their collapse, point to programs and institutions and say, “See? I told you they didn’t work,” push privatization of programs and institutions.

I don’t believe that you’ve never heard of Obama talking about the Dreamers. I frankly don’t know how that is possible because he really did talk about them all the time. Did you not know who the Dreamers were? You also must know that Obama couldn’t fix everything in two years, he’s not a magical negro, so what

It also means that she paid into the system and is going to get nothing out of it. Let’s consider that money a fine paid.

Exactly, policies like this make us all less safe.

In my experience, and my entire maternal side is made up of immigrants, immigrants love and appreciate this country more than anyone. They work fucking hard and, for all the talk of entitlements, natural-born citizens (like me) are the most entitled fucks around.

Basic income, anyone? It would simplify a lot of things and treat people like adults, for those critical of the “nanny state.”

This is good kinja.

Who knew we’d be longing for the days of compassionate conservatism?

I don’t think Violet is the tomato troll, I recognize her from way back.

Amnesty is the only answer, you fuckwads!!!

Her publisher scheduled her book release announcement and then called up McConnell to make sure he gave it a boost.

That’s why Warren voted for Carson, which she got a load of shit for. They’re not protesting every nominee, although their base clearly wants them to.

Don’t think that she does.

I’m genuinely puzzled about what you’d have them do. They don’t have the votes this round, but now the nation knows who these people are and what they stand for and we see our reps standing up for us and listening to our voices. Refusing to go to their committee meetings, dragging this out for so long, and testifying

Exactly, now their names have been seared into our minds and we are on the alert for the first sign of their bullshit.

I know?

Perhaps public silence for the month preceding and following the book release, during which time she’ll be criticized for not speaking out?

Don’t you think the middle class and defeating Donald are important and timely topics? Are you against all politicians releasing books? Just the popular ones? I’ve got two of Obama’s on my bookshelf. Warren fights Donald and the GOP every day, so I suppose no day would be a good day for her to release it according to

What do you think voting for Carson was?