God no- she was TRULY awful which is an achievement considering the rest of the characters on the show.
God no- she was TRULY awful which is an achievement considering the rest of the characters on the show.
Whitney (or his memaw) have producer credits on the show strangely enough...
Shep isn’t........... awful........ right?!
I asked for context around “half breed” because I had no clue that it was a song of hers. So the delightfully snarky “it’s literally a song of hers- google it” was likely meant for me. LOL
Whoa... what? Context por favor? I don’t think I’ve heard this story...
I love that Pete is so happy and in such a good space! Tis’ all!
Having cute gym clothes is partial motivation to go for some of us...
That was a beautiful apology!
WTF! Sexual assault is NOT synonymous with “pursuing a relationship” or any of these other euphemisms that men are now using to describe blatant indiscretions.
His would be victims were black. It’s not a real murder/crime if the victims are black.
None of her tweets would be what I consider a “take down” but good for her for using her platform to address the needs of others without advertising for her own/ family projects (minus the mag tweet)!
Yes... the whole thing must come down. Now when I where jump suits I’ll where them to places where I’m not required to use the bathroom in a public space. A friend’s house or running errands where if the urge hits... I can just flee home.
Holy hell this was an awful song.
Yes. I’m a dork who reads poorly. I thought I read one of your plants was an aloe. Here’s to hoping I didn’t completely imagine SOMEONE owning an aloe. LOL
How is your aloe vera plant doing? I keep losing leaves and I’m not sure why... I think I’m about to lose another leaf as it’s leaning. :(
I have 8 plants in my bedroom alone. 4 in my office cubicle. I just love plants- always have. I’m 98% sure I got that from my mother as opposed to being a millennial.
REBA= Jezebel readers.
The next arrest will be the random black dude strumming the acoustic guitar in the background....
Speaking up JUST TO SAY “not all white women” is indeed... offensive.
I think you may have missed the point. What your wife appears to be doing and what Lauren Duca was doing via her tweets are completely different, hence why Duca is being criticized.