This is, generally speaking, a rihanna performance no matter where you are. LOL
This is, generally speaking, a rihanna performance no matter where you are. LOL
I had no idea those were piercings or swans while I was watching it! Very nice...
I thought that was soooo degrading. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that was off to say the least.
I think we are asking too much expecting an in-depth conversation re: race on a housewives franchise. LOL. That being said, I don’t think the significance is that hard to pick up- even if you’re white. Biracial generally means that you have parents that are two different races/ ethnicity. If you have two black…
I thought she objected to the word biracial in explaining her “robyn’s” heritage because that is not the case. I don't believe she cares if Katie identified as biracial.... I think that's how that argument went down.
I LOVEEEEE “Genesis”!
I love doing laundry and cleaning the house. I actually do turn to doing that when I’m upset, angry or frustrated. While I don’t enjoy the actual time I spend working out- I love the feeling I get after working out so... maybe it’s not too strange?!?
That top picture CAN NOT be the result of a measly 15 minutes of working out a day. 15 minutes is my warm up to any cardio or weight training.
Yo- is this real?? This is soo funy to me. I do not remember this scene from any of the episodes. Under what circumstances does one utter that sentence? Oh Thomas. *facepalm*
LOL- that’s really the name of his band. The lack of creativity there is... predictable. I’m curious to know what his music sounds like. Off to look for “renob” singles and videos. Damn you batbogeyhex!
That was a terrible bio. How big of a douche do you have to be to include “bending time” as one of your hobbies? I understand why I haven’t heard of the “redneck” comedy (I am NOT the target audience for that), but why haven’t I heard of any of the other film projects?! This 5 sentence bio confirms the fact that…
Interesting tid bit that may, or may not, be true... Whitney is executive producing the show?!?!?!?!? Kathryn co-signed it on twitter. Whitney is the worst.
2 seasons for this seems generous.
Yes- his name wasn’t coming to me. Somewhere near the beginning of the show, Kathryn said she was really hoping that they could repair the relationship. I feel a bit sorry for her that she was naive enough to believe Thomas from the beginning.
This was the worst premier ever. I don’t believe I will be watching this one, especially since Love & Hip Hop ATL is now back on at the same time.
I did... I’ve missed it so! I live for Patricia and the one who basically lives on a plantation.... what’s his name again??
Ohhhhh! I figured she either didn’t know how Crispus spelled his last name OR she was just taking liberties with the spelling. I didn’t know there may have been an Atticus Finch nor Attica prison reference thrown in there! Ingenious- that one!
LOL. You seem upset (and dense from your other responses to commentors in this article). What horse do you have in this race? Are you also a “biologically ethnic” white person who “feels” negro in your soul? Which HBCU did you end up suing for “RACIAL DISCRIMINATION” like Dolezal? How is it that black people can sue…
Sadly it is. It’s a cross between Langston Hughes and Crispus Attucks-I think.
Can we all just agree not to allow Rachel Dolezal to continue to happen? We should just let her live her life without inquiring her opinion on race, blackness and giving her shine in media outlets. If she’s truly just into the accouterments of “blackness”, she should be equally as happy to perform black face out of…