Yes, that’s his thing. Even when their boyfriends/men/ husbands are in the room.
Yes, that’s his thing. Even when their boyfriends/men/ husbands are in the room.
Ohh, it’s definitely a thing. It’s just not relevant to this article. :/ What does the existence of Afro-Latinas/ Latinos have to do with colorism?
Thank boo!
Possibly....but most likely no. I did a bit of googling and the search said that Alba was 2% sub-saharan African so I’m not sure about having no african ancestry. But the difference between Alba and my former co-worker, Alba can pass- this girl CANNOT. She can’t pass anymore than I can, which is not at all. On my best…
Yes, they’re annoying too. But to be clear, many black (as well as white) Americans DO have Native American ancestry. I just don’t get not coping to what you are OBVIOUSLY according to your physical traits. Like neither one of us are in a position where we can “pass”. It’s like the reverse Rachel Dolezal...
A few years ago I worked in a store with a lovely Puerto Rican girl who happened to have similar features to me (same complexion(real brown), similar hair type (real kinky)) swear up and down that she was not “black” nor afro-descendant in any way. She claimed to be too light to be black. Keep in mind, WE ARE THE SAME…
People who can’t differentiate between race, ethnicity and nationality annoy me to no end. Also, they are typically the ones most vocal with inane theories on race, ethnicity and nationality.
Chris Brown is such a raging dick. How he pulls any of the girls he pulls is astounding to me. People need to stop supporting his endeavors so he can see how it is when the “talent simmers” out. Maybe he'll be less petty and grow up.
Awww petty not pretty! Don’t despair... everyone is petty once in a while (some more so than others).
John McWhorter is the WORSE!!! Which sucks because, how many prominent black folks do we have in Linguistics? One... McWhorter. The Power of Babel (I think that’s the title) wasn’t a bad book if I remember correctly. He just needs to stick to linguistics and leave social/ political and racial thought alone.
Let Petty Betty out! I’ve been petty all damn day! And when/ if you get that Cornel West/ MHP scoop let us know. ;)
Not at all. And I’m surprised. Have I been fan-girling irresponsibly? I never took her as a diva. :(
I’m here for this. At least she’s excited. Here’s to hoping they are sexually compatible. (Do they need to have the ceremony done in order to have sex or is the engagement sufficient?)
I like the colors in her gown. The fuschia and orange compliment each other well. I just wish the clutch wasn’t soo matchy matchy with the dress. A better combination would have been the fuschia with maybe turquoise accents!
Michelle and the girls look DIVINE!!!!!!! Our first family is soo amazing!
I believe is was during her transition.
Awesome! Caitlyn is a woman who hates women!!! She doesn’t even have any legitimate gripes against Hillary. The only thing that makes me feel better about this clip is the fact that everyone else on the bus was equally as astounded as I am.
His show was terrible. MSNBC basically allowed him to scream across the television for an hour daily.
DAMN IT! You’re right!!!! I’m sorry Meth. I’m sorry Gigi! Its getting late here, I’m tired and co-workers been getting on my last nerve. As a peace offering I’ll leave you with this:…