
Me: Fuck this shit, I'm climbing onto a roof and staying there...da faq is that? Parkour Zombies?

There are at least 3 Thaigs, 1 is above ground (odd but it is) and 2 others... :) Way more than 2 had, which was 1 Thaig, before DLC

60 faps per second?

What did you end up building in your garrison?

The irony is that their name in spanish means Unique...

you wanna feel small? ask a black woman out

DD answer me!


The Wii wished it could. It only output 480p max with component cables that were sold separately.

Actually the Wii only got to 480p.

One-hit-wonder. Nothing more, nothing less.

Can something like this be used for a less or non-creative profession? say, an accountant or something like that? Or would that just be silly?