
The one I get the most you ever want to meet your "real" parents? And I just say, my real parents raised me, or, my parents are my real parents, or something along those lines. I've been pretty lucky in my life to not run into too many ignorant people....well...ignorant about adoption at least ;) It can be

Bahahaahah. I am going to start referring to my friends' kids as their vaginally-delivered son or daughter. Just make everyone real uncomfortable until it stops ;)

OH and good luck with your adoption!!!!! :)

It is!!! It's maddening. MADDENING! (I swear I'm otherwise a well-adjusted adoptee ;))

Mostly off -topic, but for the love of everything, when will media stop referring to peoples' adopted children!!? Just once, I'd like to read, like, "Meg Ryan's daughter Daisy."

If it was anything by Train or Maroon 5, I am a little sympathetic to her plight.

Amazing. We can't buy alcohol on Sundays but we will deliver it by drone, doncha know!

I'm going to say it: I mostly hate Amy Adams' look. Boring. I just want to stare at pictures of Jordan Catalano all day.

Thanks for the Mpls shout-out! It's so cold here Jack. Also, just curious Erin - can we be best friends? Just wondering. Thanks.

This completes me.

I will make ALL THE SEASONAL PIES in 2014!!!

See also: hefty (!!) autograph seeker.

Am I the only one in the world who thinks Schaal is the WORST? She ruined 30 Rock's last couple seasons. Boo.

Is Rachel McAdams too old to be Jo??? Because..... <3 <3 <3

Help! What is his Instagram username??? I can't follow the link on my work computer and if I don't follow him immediately I think I may die.

OMG! When I was 20 (sadly not 10) I screamed at my dog for ruining a purse of mine....then realized he was super sick and couldn't even walk. I still feel so so guilty. I'm glad (?) to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Not that I'm glad you feel guilty. You know what I mean. I hope they're in dog