Which Detmer played for Philly? I honestly can't remember.
Which Detmer played for Philly? I honestly can't remember.
It was always fun to watch someone's auto-draft pick him as a high WR though. Gawd, did I laugh.
Also, I always thought in CAFOs, pig shit wasn't very solid, hence the manure lagoons and the like.
Love the name btw. Works at ND, all of this stuff (accurate as it is) just rolls off the backs of the higher ups.
Washington state (WA) however, is.
Or I dunno, just pop a Lactaid right beforehand? Problem solved.
They're popular among stream ecologists, here's a place that sells a similar product, at presumably lower prices.
Um, those aren't cockroaches. That appears to be a picture of Hemipterans, as in Giant Water bugs (they who eat fish and tadpoles, and have an painful bite to us), or Belostomatids. FYI!