
Not having to play Calderon was huge (LBJ took point the first half, Hill the second). Calderon had actually been pretty decent the last couple weeks of the regular season but Collison wouldn’t even let him get the ball to half court in under 7 seconds in this series. Clarkson was equally hopeless against him and we

Apropos of nothing, and not specifically having to do with the Wizards, for my money, FreeDarko was the best blog that ever blogged, and probably spawned almost all of those mentioned here.

I know you’re just teasing, but it’s fair to remind people of Derrick Rose prior to 3 knee surgeries, a broken face and regular wear and tear that most athletic point guards get:

“Ooh, tell me more!” - Anonymous, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but is anyone else having issues with how Twitter shows up for GMG articles now? I only see the top part of the video/tweets, so I cant’t watch it.

Dude, are we the same person? My name is also Taylor and my sister still talks about the time I grabbed a super hot plate from a waiter (wearing oven mitts) at a Mexican restaurant circa 2005/2006...

Artist’s depiction:

I had an entire day of it day before yesterday’s yesterday.

What is everything though? His charity work/volunteering, financial support for those causes, especially in urban communities? Other than the kneeling, what else is there to consider?

The most heartbreaking aspect of this story is when her two dogs, Raleigh the chihuahua, and Juneau, her Siberian Husky, find out that she’s been cheating on them by ogling pictures of some strange bulldog on her phone. If this inceident hadn’t occurred, they’d have never known about the photos because touchscreens

Jesus all of you, I can only get so erect, you know?

It’s too bad the clip cuts out when it does. This play resulted in a crazy handball that resulted in a penalty and red card that tied the game.

This brings up an interesting quandary. Can people who work for a news organization get totally plastered, then cause everyday drunken stupidity on their own time? If they weren’t working for a TV station, this would just be a normal dustup and we’d never hear anything about it - with two people taking offense over

there were lots of bad decisions made by lots of people here.

Based on personal experience of dating plenty of unstable people, I’m just going to assume the conversation went like this.

This entire story can be summed up as “alcohol”.

Give the Queen a proper phot

i know fuck all about soccer. my kids play. i played through 4th grade. i watch world cup. my knowledge and appreciation is rudimentary at best. now, that being said, that top clip is a fucking sick move.

It almost seems like he has to have at least injured that ankle before if not dislocating it. It’s pretty clear on that video that he dislocated it today, it’s just uncommon to be able to so calmly pop it back in place the first time that happens. And they are talking about him still playing tomorrow. Pretty

I “love” how you put all kinds of gross and NSFL warnings on injuries that don’t appear too bad or the camera work is so shitty you can barely tell what happened, then put a “messes up his ankle” on one of the grossest injuries I’ve seen in a while. What happened, are your hyperbole supplies running low?