Look, as a born-and-raised Boston sports fan, I have leaned one thing to be true over the last 15 years: winning doesn’t make it better.
Look, as a born-and-raised Boston sports fan, I have leaned one thing to be true over the last 15 years: winning doesn’t make it better.
When she tells you to stop petting him I had to giggle. It’s Pushy Dog 101- those retrievers can smell a “victim” from miles away.
One year ago today, we adopted our dog from a rescue organization. I had not had a dog since I was about 10 years old but we figured our kids (then 10) should also have a dog. It would be good for them, I told myself. I didn’t really want a dog, I told myself... and I really didn’t... until we brought him home. Now I…
Doesn’t journalistic integrity demand that you not pet your subject?
I think it is you who are new around here. Gawker Media hasn’t existed for nearly 18 months. This is Gizmodo Media Group (GMG for short).
And politicizing drunk driving for any reason other than stopping drunk driving is a shitty move, and you should probably be ashamed of yourself for being a terrible asshole.
To your latter point; one could argue that he’s helping out a victim of child abuse
It’s not Butler over Rowe that would make a difference, it’s Butler over Richards and Bademosi.
Maybe hyperbole but not ridiculous. Just one more stop in a game that had no stops. I hate that Rowe is getting killed. He is a nice player. But he had a rough game and Butler is that much better. I think Butler has shown he can make a big play. You don’t think he makes one more big play (or even a medium-sized play)…
Belichick is a stubborn man who plays by the rules he makes. He’s had ridiculous success under those rules.
Sure, T.O. is a Hall of Famer now, and he owned Jason “Never Met A Black Athlete I Wouldn’t Patronize” Whitlock on social media, but he can’t take away Whitlock’s three-peat performance as the “Beef Brisket Boss” at the Kansas City Annual Competitive Eating Bonanza.
/polite clapping, gives his best “Yes, good dog! Now let me grab a poop bag.” smile
Me too. Man’s got a gold jacket now, have to keep it classy.
This is a west coast vs east coast thing. Families from the west coast, like my wife’s, see a peck on the mouth as no big deal. Families from the east coast, like mine, prefer a nod of the head and then not speaking to each other except on major holidays, like Leap Year.
Ew gross, affection!
Fuck off with this. Some people kiss their kids on the lips. I don;t, but I don’t go after those who do. Who fucking cares.
Kid wiped his mouth. He’s good.
What an annoying little kissant.
People! Stop kissing your dogs! That’s gross as hell!
They don’t play again? Think you’re forgetting about the Finals, Tom.