“I shouldn’t have to even talk to you.”
“I shouldn’t have to even talk to you.”
I cannot say I have ever witnessed any sexual activity in men’s locker rooms, but otherwise this is consistent with my own experience. The unspoken social rules for the men’s locker room seem the same for the men’s restroom: we spend our time there trying to minimize our own existence. A man who makes a lot of…
I rarely hear music at my gym’s locker room, though once a man took it upon himself to play Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” from his iPhone speaker as he moisturized.
Guys. Guys. Sex in public is gross and inappropriate. Kudos for the gay male liberation, but not everyone has consented to that shit happening in the locker room or any other public space. This is not throwing off the shackles of oppression; this is being gross.
In San Francisco a friend of mine got cum on his shoulder in the sauna from the guys behind him cranking a pair out.
Sex isn’t a given, particularly in very co-Ed gyms. Straight guys (full disclosure: straight guy) aren’t really going to be in favor of the public masturbation/sex when they just want to sauna/shower/change. I don’t give a shit about gay dudes having sex, but I wouldn’t be any more thrilled by straight people doing…
Once a man approached the locker where I was changing and noted that his locker was near mine but that he’d wait for me to finish. I think I said, “OK,” and continued changing. After let’s say 30 seconds he changed his mind, and decided he wanted to get into his locker because he didn’t know how slow I was going to…
Well I can say it’s different in the MidWest. Here the men in the lockerroom jabber away like broads, man. They is always going on about some kind of business talk, or what they did to relax lately, what they’re going to do soon, some sports talk. The LAST thing I want to do in locker room is look at or talk to…
Also I would like gyms to start providing longer towels in the locker rooms. I have big bosoms and those little half-ass hand towels they give you do not cover them. I wouldn’t even be able to attempt the sad towel-wrap-bra-and-undie removal that I see some ladies do.
I live for the post workout steam, and thankfully have never encountered guys going at it. Is there a gay yellow pages or something so I can know which gyms to avoid?
About a year ago, while browsing Tumblr, I was looking through a gay porn star’s page when I saw a series of nude gym locker room selfies. And I quietly thought to myself, “Hmm. That looks familiar.” but soon forgot about it.
Another self-indulgent piece from Juzwiak.
In locker rooms in Tulsa at least, we all like to gather around the alpha Males, beat our chests while slammin’ back energy drinks while bragging about how much pussy we grab. There’s nothing better than getting away from all that female gaze and having to keep up appearances at all times, and just let men be men, you…
“Once a man approached the locker where I was changing and noted that his locker was near mine but that he’d wait for me to finish. I think I said, “OK,” and continued changing.” Oh, you’re THAT guy. A gentleman would offer to slide his stuff down or at least offer to move to a locker far enough away to let the guy…
Team sports change rooms are much different, definitely real conversations going on. Older guys talking about their house/job/cottage/kids’ sports, younger guys talking about job, maybe sex/girls. Most grown up hockey players in Canada (my only sample size) all look down when women change. Plus as there is a lot of…
You forgot to mention how we’re always snapping each other on the ass with wet towels.
“One thing that is interesting about men’s locker rooms is that you get to see dicks.”
Is it weird that I read about halfway down, assuming this was a HamNo post before scrolling back up to see who wrote it?
I told him I would have stepped aside to spare myself his evaluation of my process and that furthermore, “I shouldn’t have to even talk to you.”
Cute article. Here’s my cute response, as a trans woman who is, according the public in many places in this country, forced to use men’s locker rooms and bathrooms in public places.