
I find it interesting that the only other writer to weigh in (Barry) made sure to tell us he agreed with everything. When there is dissent, it’s a cheesy packaged “COUNTERPOINT, I DISAGREE” that runs an hour after the original article and seems like an assignment rather than true dissent.

Sounds eerily like the story behind “The Shot” against the Cavs:

He’s about as AWOL as Mamula, v disappointing.

Perhaps the problem is that now, verbal challenges of any kinds are labeled attacks, evisceration, demolished, etc. The scaled-up rhetoric means that when an actual attack happens, it almost is diminished? /bit of both.

Exactly, it’s the intent to harm. The commercial could have ended with him holding an uninjured, happy gf wearing a Cavs shirt. The ice at the end made it much much worse.

Yeah, I kind of disliked how this was phrased. Physical beating >> words most of the time in damage, this almost had counter-intuitive effect of minimizing the crime here.

Yesss. Good catch.

It does seem like we’re missing something. Deadspin CPA Team Assemble! or something.

Pierce idea is fair, but isn’t that a bit retrospective? Seems like Pierce is only showing his 4 abilities now with Wizards. But ok, in fairness, I forgot about the 1st round pick; Doc definitely has been overpaying in his deals relative to other GMs. (Not meaning to hate here, just felt like the “Doc is horrible”

The Spencer Hawes deal should have worked, though. A 26 year-old big man who had averaged about 12 pts and 8 rebounds in the last two years before LA, and hit 3’s should have fit perfectly to balance out Griffin and Jordan. This “Doc is a bad GM” storyline would be gone if Hawes performed as he should have, and all

Taking your logic to conclusion, 4 year old blind, paralyzed, cancer-ridden starving What's Her Face somewhere in a Third World country is the only person ever able to complain about any injustice on the Internet.

...but, but, they watch Law and Order reruns religiously! It counts for something!

I may be giving OP too much credit, but it seems like a subtle callback to ESPN’s lampooned “What if Michael Vick were White?” article from a few years ago. Google it for the horrid illustration that accompanied the article. Extra points for that tie-in.

This is not getting the love it deserves. +1

Yet another sports figure fails to learn that Twitter and college fixation are a bad combination. How quickly we forget the hard-won wisdom of Gerry Hamilton, sigh.

In defense of the non-purchasers, items related to the Bears going to the dogs are over-saturated.

Seems like they want one less...Angel in the Outfield. Err, I’ll see myself out.

So we now have an entire organization with strong incentives to make sure a player relapses. I see it going down something like this:

Thankfully the Gospel According to Rasheed already covers how to handle thieving bloggers, heh. "As long as somebody CTC, at the end of the day I'm with them. For all you that don't know what CTC means, that's 'Cut the Check."