
Aww she’s beautiful! I gave birth to my youngest a month early and I was so scared. Also we had a car accident a few years ago (drunk driver) that almost killed my oldest daughter. She was I never pediatric ICU for a week and it was a while before they told me she would be okay. I have experienced the fluorescent fear

This is our rag doll, Winston cuddling with his little brother Cowboy. These are just two of our menagerie, we have a husky, pit bull, Jezebel (another kitteh) and a blind hedgehog named Ouchy Mouse.

That’s AWFUL!!! My heart aches for you. We lost a black cat named Kali years ago and we went through the same frenzy searching for her. I still miss her. I hope you find Moxie - did he tell you where he “dumped” her? What a jackass! I want to fucking wring his neck!

I know. I was just thinking, oh man, I’m out of Forged in Fire and I get introduce to this!

That is SUCH a cute idea! I have a sleeve of Ocean.City, New Jersey boardwalk and it includes a lot of treats. I love my treats tattoos!

Oh, I would take up the whole thread!

Fuck Fox for praising the son of a bitch on and on before their little blurb about cultivating a safe work environment. Not a single mention of women.

Not like it hasn’t been done before...

I just said this myself, that it’s an awfully big coincidence that Trump bombs Syria while one of the largest scandals to hit the POTUS office since Nixon is slowly uncoiling.

Hubby has IBS. Sounds like IBS. Good news is there are okay meds and we haven’t had to dramatically leave a friend’s house in a year.

Stop that. Cursing releases endorphins. If you don’t take care of mom and dad, you can’t take care of baby. That’s all I’m sayin’.

I was about to tell you that’s ridiculous and all of that that can read know that, and I decided to read the link first. Good thing I did that. ;)

That’s what happened and the only fairness here is to have a whole new election.

Yes, this is my thought/fear. The only problem I have with this is that Trump is too egotistical to even pretend to consider a plan B.

Because they know he’s screwed but they want to keep up the appearance that they don’t know as much as they do?

17 this year for me, and yes we have had to “work through” a couple small patches but the majority of our marriage has been a joy and seriously entertaining. If I had to describe marriage “work” would be way down the list.

Scarjo is a CELEBRITY - once she gives you the perspective it’s now your’s. The world revolves around these folks. They are super wise!

Putin picked up on Carl Rove’s extremely effective “party of God” marketing. None or few of these fools are “Christian” but you’re right, that’s what they need to control the masses. That’s what it was designed to do and it’s always worked.

Are you fucking serious?! I didn’t know about the google link. The only person I could forgive for falling for the oldest trick in the book is Bernie cause he’s everyone’s fumbling dad on the computer.

I’m curious if anyone in the mix was smart enough to keep Pence in the dark on purpose to keep the office when/if piss hit the bedsheets. Is he clueless because he’s a boyscout who won’t just “be cool man” or is it because they needed one unconprimised member of this administration. (I feel silly calling it that -