
Are you related to Jenson?

That sounds terrible.

Having never driven a full flappy paddle transmission I've always wondered...how do you engage first? Do you put the car in D and then go from there. Or is there a Neutral gear position and then you have to upshift to first with a bit of gas?

For emphasis.

What is: This guy got banned from commenting on SRT Viper facebook fan page?

It's a car!


Lamborghini Ev00que

That I am not sure of, but I know that if I saw an orange colored car like that I would wonder, "that is a bright color".


It was all a dream...

I can not read that license plate, so I am not sure what you are getting on about. That being said, I do like that orange color. I wonder if it is stock or an aftermarket paint job? Oh well, #cotd for your Mr. Crews.


Tell me how you really feel.

This isn't the ATS-V, it's the ATS. If it was a V, it would be compared to an M3. Get a grip on reality.

Ugh, no wagon! LAME!

What's the retail on one of those?

Yes, I know. :p