
When you look at how every reply was the exact same format, it could be construed as spam:

People got annoyed that you responded to almost EVERY post with "follow this link", and it's basically spam. That being said, if you do have the fonts - just make a nice post at the top, or in #oppositelock explaining where you host all the fonts. People would appreciate that and then noone would think you're a dick.






Romney doesn't cite his failures (the companies that lost jobs) as a success. The Obama administration counts their bailout (companies that lost jobs) as a success, because that's his one and only "CEO" role. The people that are upset at Romney use the argument "well if there wasn't a bailout - MORE jobs would have

"I was 16 when the whole process started and I still understood it enough to recognize the flaws and the benefits." So you're what now, 18, maybe 19? Telling you to go back to school isn't flaming, it's being honest. Relax.

Well, they don't do it when their wives around.

I could find a wife there.

Are the ladies this raucous too?

So what you're saying is that you're glad you have the Voyager because you can bed all the ladies in its luxurious and capacious back seat?

"In Missouri, being in the presence of another man who has his fly down qualifies as a sex act.

These new safety standards are hard to keep up with.

This is tragedy beyond words. Don't drink and drive.

Yeah, and these cars depreciate really slow, a four year old STi still costs around $30k. It sounds like you got an INSANE deal if you were able to get yours for $20k.

Is this the model with the self parking? Honey, you know I need the self park feature when I have to pick the kids up at Piano practice.