
You look good as a brunette. :D


Now playing

Hey everyone thanks for the congratulations.

I'd engorge her, if you know what I mean.

Not nearly as messy as docking in space. That's an ordeal I'd like to forget.

This should help you out, it's #NSFW but TOTALLY worth it and will explain all the context:

"He took a call on his cell phone, then became enraged."

The Juice is loose!

What a terrible movie.


So you are a bigot.

""This forum is full of retards, what's one more?"

Oh, you're right. You're just better than them, and look down upon who they are and what they are. Apparently they are all low class, low education, "uncultured" (read: not your culture), ignorant (according to you), and "rowdy hillbilly trash", wow - looks like they are a lot of things to you. You just proved my

"This forum is full of retards, what's one more?"

""This forum is full of retards, what's one more?"

"This forum is full of retards, what's one more?"

""This forum is full of retards, what's one more?"

"This forum is full of retards, whats one more?"

Oh, zap!