
Ironically, this 7 speed manual will be the death of manuals.

arfdog is a troll, pay him no mind. You're completely right.

Hey Ray,

Your comment was even LESS necessary.

Nah, if i learned anything from Katrina is that whatever goes wrong after a hurricane it's The President's fault. It will be Obama's fault.

Simply for the sake of being devils advocate here (I completely agree with you) - Ray does work in the journalism business, and will be able to provide some great coverage of the storm if and when it does get rough. It's no different than the news reporters or weather men standing outside and braving the elements for

God speed, stay safe.

Who are you?

"Category killers are products that not only transform a market, but also dominate in sales as well as mindshare"


Great News!

Goodnight, sweet iPrince.

Congratulations on the COTD! That was a long wankel.

Dammit, I just got my Heidfeld tattoo this week!

You equated a niche car with a distinct personality and unique engine to...a serial killer. I'm not sure what logic you were trying to use, but it's deeply flawed.

Ha, are you serious?

Can't explain it.

The same reason cars have emissions standards.

I like football and porno and books about war.