


Good things can happen.

You're not Roberto.

These two dudes personify the awesomeness manifesto.

Well done Hamilton. Simply awesome.

(see comment below from @ohbikepilot)

I like you.

This is terrible! Think about what influence this has on our children!

I'm 99% sure airport police is there 24/7. As much as the initial knee jerk reaction from administrators and politicians is going to be to make "an example" out of these two - they really should focus on this gigantic lapse in security. The goofing off is fine, but the fact they could just go in to a restaurant and


I love knowing where our tax dollars are being spent.

Apology accepted.

Apology accepted.


So that's what happens when you overdose on Potassium.

Any Group B Rally Car. ANY OF THEM. Pick your poison, they will all kill you, they are all incredible, they all came from a better time. When men were men. Women were women. And racecars had little to no restrictions and spit flames at excessively high speeds - just because they could.