Micky Nozawa

At the end of the film, Snoke says he needs Kylo Ren to complete his training. Wouldn’t the murder of his father have done that? That seemed like Kylo’s way of ending once and for all his struggle between the light and the dark sides. Not to mention, defeat of one’s father is how Luke finished his training.

I was ridiculed after telling people I heard a news report about the USAF successfully shooting down an aircraft with a laser.

A whole bunch of badly Photoshoped heads, what what?

Ryan Reynolds did a brilliant job in The Voices.

Technobabble is the most likely answer.

“Other characters like Flash, Green Arrow, even Wonder Woman, don’t have that same cachet”, Rob...

That’s not a goatee, it’s a Van Dyke.

Although I first read it when I was ten years old, Dune was probably the most influential book I read in this regard. The Litany Against Fear was something I took to heart, and has stood me in good stead throughout my adult life.

I just reread Frank Herbert’s The Green Brain for the first time since I was at school.

I think people are over analysing this, tbh tbf tbc...

So how do all those Martian satellites manage to keep missing each other?

Seems to be there for me...

Don’t worry, it was all just a dream!

Does James Cameron Really Have A Script For Avatar 5 Already?

That crazy talk!

I concur.

Out today in the UK, just got back from seeing it.

I’ve tried one on, it’s a lot nicer than I expected and not as chunky as it looks in the promo images.

Expect a lot of Ultron spoilers on the interwebs in the next few days, because the film opened today in the UK - I’ve just got back from seeing it.