
To those who feel its absurd to own one, or utterly useless, I say go away. Why must we modders and pc enthusiasts always get crap for spending money on our rigs. This is our hobby and for some its a business. When was the last time we heard of giz fans outcry someone paying $1500 for a car part, for season…

Building websites and using Chat rooms!

Perhaps an April Fools joke?

Philip SH would have been great. He could have done Woz well. Bummer :[

Looks like every other drone or jet currently flying around today. Most have that arrow shape.

Probably not since the "shiny"comes from nano variations that probably wont exist in a lab created uniform version.

Dwave has been the real deal since their first board with only a few Qbits. Given that Moore's law might apply to Qbits as well, we could be about to blast off into computational space. When they go public with I'll be the first to buy some shares.

Reminds me of James Turrell's work.

The the USS Enterprise?!

I hate the Millennials.

Link fail.?

So, why are these screens not already on the phones?

All this did was remind me how crappy it is to be poor.

Portraits of people, tall buildings, tall trees, and hallways.

Nope, I meant giant version. Thanks for the attempted correction though.

Like I always say, it is simply a giant version of ping pong.

Ive seen bits of the Goonies but never the whole of it, much to the dismay of my friends. Keep in mind I am 31 and it was the hit of my childhood. Not sure how I missed it but I did.

Yes they both add to 360. ;p