
Wow you mean they take the shortest route between multiple nodes? .... Seriously.... surprised?

Smart move, one is shrinking in budget the other is growing. Sounds like they boarded the right ship.

Well dressed is a relative term.

If you want a backpack, go LL Bean. Enough said.

Debt to what? Other countries that generated their prosperity from technologies originally developed by the US? Or non-country based international banks who don't care about the worlds citizens?

Love it! Brian Greene, Michio Kaku, and Neil deGrasse Tyson are the type of people we need to help lobby science back into America. Thanks for the great post.

Or dies. Hes old, stressed, and overweight. I keep hoping hes putting all his efforts into finishing this particular series. Would truly be a shame...

Absolutely, Sansa was selfishly driven and whiny. Joffrey was right in the same boat in terms of annoying characters. Cersei is a complex character, much more so than Ned - neither of which I found annoying. In fact in the recent book towards the end we see some startling character developments in Cersei.

Really I hated Sansa so much I wished GM had written her out of the book. Shes a little snot whose responsible for a lot of the tragedy that occurs.

Well in the books, book 2 was great - its really season 3 (book 3) that I'm worried about as its mostly character development. I just finished the most recent book the story is really building up! I expect one to two more books in the series, otherwise tying up all the ends would feel sloppy and rushed. Suffice to

I thought Apple had all those fancy methods of calling people like Siri or a "highly navigable" address book? This just highlights what I already thought of iPhone apps, 50% of them are simply redundant to the phones actual software.

Laughing @image#4

Cant cure ignorance.

Go with option B.


+1 Headshot ^

Very difficult not impossible. It needs to have a powerful rare earth electromagnet wipe the drive fragments as well.

When ones kids are involved its hard not to do anything in your power to minimize the negative effects on them. I think we should cut him a bit of slack, not saying completely but can any of us say we wouldn't have thought hard about doing the same as well? We could be looking at the next gen Frank Abagnale, Jr.

Well technically he was the first to patent EMail which goes on record that he in fact invented EMail. Are we really going to argue over semantics, who cares? We all know it was really All Gore who invented both the internet and EMail.

These new OS hybrids are really not the best of both worlds but rather the worst. I see Win 8 as fitting into the same realm of crap hybrids. I'm hoping they will release a sister version of win8 and OS X Lion that are strictly desktop versions.