
Oh this story reminds me. On a side note, my sister in law went to Walmart this past week to purchase an air filter. On the Walmart website it was priced at xxx but in the store it was reasonably more expensive. When she asked to purchase it based on their own website price they said, "No". She then reminded them

... I don't think you get it. If there is no product what exactly will you be picking up?

"You know what? Screw it all. Just shop at Amazon."

Plasma wielding misfit if you ask me!

I signed the piratebay petition that went around. I was kind of hoping this Bill would sink under the weight of all the people oppose to it. Its sad to see the internet slowly become a corporate run digital world. We all knew it was coming but now its just all too real. I remember when I first got on the internet

At least the adds are catered toward your interests and not random....

I'm not an anti-christian, I am pro-evidence. I am not an atheist, I'm agnostic. Why don't you tell Christians that being born gay is a scientific process that occurs on the genetic level? Or mention dinosaurs? Oh what about creationism? Something that is based off emotional responses and hearsay passed down for

There are no standardized units of measure for "scientific advancement", except ones own imagination. If your going to defend a skeptical base, at least make sure your graphics are appropriate. This only hurts our cause because it excludes actual facts. I agree with most of your statement, I'm just saying you need

I'm actually an Android user.... not a Fanboy.

We speak as if RIM hasn't already sunk. Sometimes companies like this can make come backs based on their branding alone. Unfortunately, RIM's branding was/is too synonymous with BB and now BB is considered archaic by the newer generations. Which doesn't bode well for the poorly managed company.

... oh the "Literal Trolls" have come out to play.

Fair enough, that being said I'm sure we can agree that this software is less than innocent in terms of individual privacy.

This is incredible, what an amazing sight. I never once imagined that I would, or even, could see actual light waves in my life. Just wow!


@DVDA I have to agree with you on this one. The evidence is pretty clear what the software is intended to do on a broad range. Your point about knowingly encrypting the data is telling enough that they had foresight about what their software is intended to accomplish. Also the whole deal with encryption is mostly

I don't think of my grandparents and nieces/nephew as douche bags.......

Does Facebook really dominate that much of peoples lives? I have several notification apps and programs that notify me only when someone posts or replies to me. Otherwise I'm never even on Facebook. In a given day I spend no more than 15min on Facebook. I consider myself pretty average in my usage so I feel* all

Always reminds me of this.

"..."fire-and-forget" technology". Nothing like taking the humanity out of killing people. #irony

Isn't it stuck in the ground?