
Couldn't agree more, the beauty of the standard Win GUI is that its organized and efficient. Especially if you enjoy customizing the interface with shells, mods, and additional applications (ie: rain meter). This new OS is bogus, I can see it being user friendly for a 10" tablet or something. But seriously, this OS

Couldn't agree more, the beauty of the standard Win GUI is that its organized and efficient. Especially if you enjoy customizing the interface with shells, mods, and additional applications (ie: rain meter). This new OS is bogus, I can see it being user friendly for a 10" tablet or something. But seriously, this OS

Get a girlfriend.?

Agreed. These people have the typical response that trolls have when they observe other people taking drive, ambition, will power, and creativity to achieve a goal. The reality is they more than likely resent the guy because he was successful in his pursuit of a dream, when they probably have never even tried to

We now need computers to tell us what is aesthetically artistic. Anyone else find this ironic?

Great project mate, love it! Way to one up other potential Steam Punkers!!

Strange indeed. I do agree that it looks like an assortment leftover from an explosion. However, where are the horizontal trajectory lines that should be emanating from the source? It looks as though the stuff was dropped vertically down on the ground and not spherically outward from the source like traditional

It appears to me to be some sort of tool used for the orbital calibration of autonomous satellites. Truthfully though, who knows?

Keep in mind this guy has 20+ years experience and obviously more equipment than Joel. Whose to say that in due time he wont be as good?

As an industry Chef, my personal knife set is actually the Ken Onion Shun Set - similar to the Shun set featured at the top. The Japanese style knives tend to be much more economical than their European counterparts, which is important when you are using them many hours at a time. I'd also like to point out that

Discovery Communications Inc has a very large network, database, articles, and clips to draw from. It only takes some new filler content and some old or unused stock. Documentaries can be produced very quickly these days.

So basically just buy a pack and wait anywhere from 138 days to 103 years for the half life period. Talk about worth the wait...

Well one cannot be a vegetarian and still eat meat, as fish is most certainly a meat. You are also wrong in your assertion that plants can replace meats in terms of nutritional value. Plants lack the the types of protein and fat needed for healthy brain development in early life. Not eating meat is counter

Thanks for the spell check, I did in fact mean hypocrites, stupid global spell check. On the other note, my wife is a physician and she informs me that vegan diets are some of the worst diets for you. This is due in part because most vegan items that are bought in stores are incredibly processed and consist of large

I can see hes using a custom Go Launcher theme.

Your absolutely right. The lack of zdepth in many of the toy textures supports your hypothesis.

As a chef I get great joy of preparing meals for "so called vegans". Most of the time Ive noticed vegans prefer ignorance over knowledge. 'No animal by-products' they say when ordering a fresh pizza. It tickles me to know that in my freshly baked dough I use honey created by the inhumane treatment of Bees from

Sounds like the outcome will be a nice new free laptop for Mr.Litwin, that is if he plays his cards right.

Patent law is so broken at the moment it is difficult to imagine it getting worse.

Not bad for an emerging tech. This should be interesting to watch in the next few years.