@jedimaster: But can a computer have a natural unbridled conversation using and understanding nuances, tone, and subtleties? Kurzweil has been working on this for decades and hes still is light-years away from anything that comes close.
@jedimaster: But can a computer have a natural unbridled conversation using and understanding nuances, tone, and subtleties? Kurzweil has been working on this for decades and hes still is light-years away from anything that comes close.
Algorithm failure. I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that there are that few original publications.
@bobbylandry: Akira Haraguchi is really amazing! But he is a one skilled wonder, in terms of raw brain power he is only ever noted as being known for pi memorization, which took him many years. Daniel Tammet had only two weeks to begin memorizing pi prior to his record (as documented from Oxford). Daniel also…
@RoFLKOPTr: Your computer can "learn" an infinite number of languages? Holy crap you must have the first quantum computer.
Oh man I was totally excited... until I saw that it only goes ten feet?? Bummer, it would have been a great gift for my wife who is an avid scuba diver.
@Bobby Stanley: ...nope I'm not 'that guy'. I was simply celebrating human capabilities in contrast to computers. On a side note, I bet you're the guy who argues just for the sake of arguing.
Sweet computer but it still has nothing on Daniel Tammet. Reciting Pi from memory to 22,514 digits in five hours. (Oxford, 2004). Now its not as fast as the computer - however, Tammet also speaks over twelve languages, is a multi synesthete, and is the worlds foremost functioning Savant. Take that 96 GB of DDR3 RAM.
@Michai: Apparently he was a Free Mason as well.
Man....I cant even think of some witty jeer. I love you steam punk.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: For the house or the absence of happiness and cheer?
@versak: I live right next to their building in Baltimore. All the windows are blacked out with what looks like industrial-black trash bags.
I take it they don't have, know of, or want children.
So I guess China and Japan don't spam?
Yeah go try to steal WoW or CoD from a gamer.... its like trying to steal crack from a crackhead. Not going to happen.
I'm guessing the store owners are also share holders of Alcoa.
@The world will know squalor.: Its a performance art, you must observe a performance.
@pixelsnader: Boston has some of the best street drummers I've ever seen.
Pow, take that corporate industry.
@TheNr24: ...c a n t help my s e l f ... . .