
Then there really is no excuse for the medieval torture they put people through. Now I know these things are edited to produce whatever image the producers wish to show, but I would think this actually puts more people off of getting healthy due to the fact it looks awful.

I was under the impression it was only a couple of months. If it were more, why the savage routine?

Following people over a year and helping them change their lifestyle and habits and see the result would be more productive than trying to shove it all into a short time period. Unfortunately that is not the way TV works.

I hope it is not, but it sounds a little like Munchausen by Internet (which is a thing).

I would have to round up people I have conversed with, and dig for links.

Where exactly are you going with this, besides commenting on my grammar to be clever.

I hadn't read that article, but I have stumbled onto MRA sites and jeebus, acknowledging anything besides how awful, feminazi, man draining leeches women are and how they get a free ride isn't there. Nothing negative is happening to women - the women are destroying men. It's actually frightening. Sheer hostility.

I know - I was just making a further observation. What these guys don't get is that the wages that the wimmin jerb takers make are lower. Maybe they don't care. Scratch that - they don't care.

Women are willing too, but they aren't making as much as the men, so there is that.

Has anyone used the words "blessing in disguise" to describe that situation? If so they must be punched in the face.

I work from home and yes, it's this. One of my cats shows up every work day at 2:30 for our cuddle/meeting. After that, he sits in his own chair next to me. If I didn't have a chair for him, he wouldn't leave me alone.

Low-fat cheese is bad enough, but fat-free cheese? Cheese IS fat, what the hell is that stuff?

We have to vote them out.

Unless you live in Texas - you can whistle Dixie.

I add milk thistle seed extract to my vitamin just before bed. Seems to help whether that's placebo or actually helping.

Mom. Merkin does not mean what you think it means.

The parents who do "sleepunders" do not want to foster independence.

You hit the nail on the head. Anymore there many parents who just *want* to do something and drag the kid along, without much thought to how if it is appropriate, how the kid will behave or even feel about it.

I LOVE my R. I am so sad they stopped making them.

I owned one of those for several years. Decent car, but no pickup.